Old dogs and new tricks...


Sphenodon Punctatus
Here is Midland's latest brain explosion; reskinning. :hehe:

Yet another reskinning of Shane Perman's Frisco 4-8-2 mountain (thanks for the loco and for permission to reskin Shane). Ever heard of this railroad?

She might be an old warhorse now but she's a good 'un.

And you've just gotta have a caboose at the rear (thanks to Sandy Gervais) coz I'm that kinda dinosaur. :hehe:

But these cars in the middle ain't reskins, no, no nooo! Midland's synapses are coming to terms with GMax thanks to Skype and a very helpful American creator.

The long beams have been made, textured and exported and she shows up in TRS '04. Wow! I can't believe it!

She still needs a deck (she's a flatcar, PO&N of course!), cross beams, a bogie bolster, a handbrake and couplers as well as loads but she proves you can teach an old dog new tricks. :hehe:

As for the reskins there are eight mountains numbered 10 to 17, nine GP9s numbered 100 to 109, and some RS11s yet to be finished. I'm also at work reskinning some 0-6-0 switchers for the PO&N.

Sessions with these reskins to follow.


Might as well post some featuring the GP9s as well...

10 and 13 sit in the Armour yard on a heavy iron ore train waiting for a log train hauled by the new geeps to clear.

Fresh outta the paintshops they need to do some work and get dirty (they will!)

The company really likes the idea of many locos one crew. Might make the PO&N profitable again.

The mountains head away.

Down the hill out of Armour.

And along the raceway. I seem to remember they were both at quite long cut off and swallowing lotsa water. It was slow going up the Sundermeyer bank too.


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Impressive!:wave: I would like to see how the flat car turns out. Any chance of gondola on that frame?:udrool: :mop:
Any chance of gondola on that frame?

Wait until you see what my deck looks like first! :hehe:

If stuff keeps falling off the flatcar... well...

I would like to do a whole heap of stuff but I keep forgetting what I've been taught (sorry Bill!) and things don't always end up the way they should. :o


Might as well show you droogs the RS-11s too...

Early morning and 202 sits at the Sundermeyer station with a breakdown train. Looks like someone fell off during the night; I just bet it's that bit at the top of the bank!

Meanwhile 201 cleans out the grain silos.

Another busy day begins on the Port Ogden & Northern. :hehe:


Nix, some very nice stuff you got there!
Any 6 axles you have in mind?
If your looking for bigger power, might want to check out this new Leasing company.. oh, whats its name again..? oh yes!
hehe and 'up-coming' project of mine..