NYCTA Elevated Stations


New member
Does anybody know if theres any elevated station in the DLS that look close to this.

With and enterence like this located on the street.

I understand most of you are going to sugjust the ones that Jeffmorris made. But no offence. His stations and trains arent as realistic as i want them to be.

I want to be able to pick up passengers from the elevated stations and not just drive through them. An have car roads go under the stations and not have to go around them.
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Not that I know of...:o

I have two suggestions:

1. Make one yourself, or
2. Ask Magicland (IF he's not too busy with other projects) to make one.

But It would be cool to have one like that (I'd rather it be its real hight rather than making it hight-changable) :hehe:
Not that I know of...:o

I have two suggestions:

1. Make one yourself, or
2. Ask Magicland (IF he's not too busy with other projects) to make one.

But It would be cool to have one like that (I'd rather it be its real hight rather than making it hight-changable) :hehe:

Would he really make it. I dont want to give him tasks to do. It will take alot of work for him do do it.
There is something like this on the DLS, I think they are similar but not sure if they will help.

Give me a little time (day or less :D) to find them for you.

Sorry, but I have to say I can not find the stations you may like.

I know I had them at one time and that they are on the DLS. They are more "British" like from memory.

I checked with TrainzObjectz and the DLS (I also found somethings I have been looking for too :hehe: ), but my search did not find them there either.

Sorry, but I have to say I can not find the stations you may like.

I know I had them at one time and that they are on the DLS. They are more "British" like from memory.

I checked with TrainzObjectz and the DLS (I also found somethings I have been looking for too :hehe: ), but my search did not find them there either.

Ill keep looking. Ill ask Magicland about making it. He did make the whole NYCTA underground stations. If anyone else finds out more info about the Elevated Station. Please let me know.:wave:
Just don't rush him, or it can lead to consequences like him cancelling the release of the R1 and R40 Slant or the Elevated station project itself
I wouldn't not release something just because someone asked me to make something else. I plan on making a whole bunch of different elevated stations, when I have time, but unfortunately time is one of those things that is in short supply at the moment. Making new elevated stations is pretty much the only thing holding up the release of a whole bunch of elevated stuff I have.
I wouldn't not release something just because someone asked me to make something else. I plan on making a whole bunch of different elevated stations, when I have time, but unfortunately time is one of those things that is in short supply at the moment. Making new elevated stations is pretty much the only thing holding up the release of a whole bunch of elevated stuff I have.
Well I'm glad to know that your making the elevated stations. But it doesnt matter to me when you finish it. Take your time. Not everyone has time to use the computer all the time. Im just happy that your making it, and cant wait for them to be released.:D