NSW Southern Highlands v3 missing kuids


Active member
I've got a mess of unknown's with this route and i was hoping y'all could help?

Unknown Location: <kuid:102243:111422>
Unknown Location: <kuid:102243:111464>
Unknown Location: <kuid:141417:27015>
Unknown Location: <kuid:141417:27027>
Unknown Location: <kuid:141417:27028>
Unknown Location: <kuid:141417:27029>
Unknown Location: <kuid:141417:27031>
Unknown Location: <kuid:149987:21904>
Unknown Location: <kuid:155664:2001820>
Unknown Location: <kuid:155664:2001830>
Unknown Location: <kuid:198708:194>
Unknown Location: <kuid:203465:10621>
Unknown Location: <kuid:218801:28004>
Unknown Location: <kuid:218801:28005>
Unknown Location: <kuid:28361:42>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1042>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1047>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1119>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1129>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1151>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1166>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1171>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1176>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1177>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1178>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1179>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1180>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1181>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1216>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1275>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1276>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1290>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1329>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:1330>
Unknown Location: <kuid:370528:7688>
Unknown Location: <kuid:389987:100086>
Unknown Location: <kuid:389987:100088>
Unknown Location: <kuid:389987:100119>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100281>
Unknown Location: <kuid:59940:20506>
Unknown Location: <kuid:60723:100197>
Unknown Location: <kuid:60723:100216>
Unknown Location: <kuid:60723:1271>
Unknown Location: <kuid:60723:1275>
Unknown Location: <kuid:71619:38022999>
Unknown Location: <kuid:9000:37012>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:128319:58106:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:128319:58107:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:128319:58108:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:128319:58109:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:128319:58110:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:128319:58111:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:151900:256097:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:151900:256112:1>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:68787:22168:2>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:68787:25008:2>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:95702:28043:1>
Can we assume the route itself is on the DLS? Who is the creator?

This is the only thing I found in the forum.


Peter Gibbons is still around this forum if what you have is the merging of his old routes.

By the way, the content manager in TS12 will not find really old assets that are on the DLS. Sometimes you have to go to the Download Station website and tick all the boxes to search for really old stuff. Then use the FTP method to download the asset to your computer. Once you have it, drag and drop it into the content manager main windows to install.

From reading that thread, the creator doesn't seems to want to help. Good luck. Peter's routes were fun and had all the content from the DLS. pgibbons
That route is by Tracksupervisor. Hasn't been active on here for ages. He was extending it to Stanwell Park but never released.
Four years ago I downloaded this route which was originally built in TS2010. There were dozens of assets including some major sections of track, that were 'unknown'. I then found a number of them on Romanian routes which were Payware. So I removed all missing and unknown assets and with Tracksupervisor's authority. I uploaded and rebuilt the route in T:ANE for my own personal use. It was never uploaded to the DLS because of the Payware items as I was never given permission to do so.

So, with TS12 you could do the same and remove the unknown assets. If you had T:ANE you could PM me and maybe something could be arranged if you only used it personally. It is a huge route and heavily detailed taking several minutes to load.

Four years ago I downloaded this route which was originally built in TS2010. There were dozens of assets including some major sections of track, that were 'unknown'. I then found a number of them on Romanian routes which were Payware. So I removed all missing and unknown assets and with Tracksupervisor's authority. I uploaded and rebuilt the route in T:ANE for my own personal use. It was never uploaded to the DLS because of the Payware items as I was never given permission to do so.

So, with TS12 you could do the same and remove the unknown assets. If you had T:ANE you could PM me and maybe something could be arranged if you only used it personally. It is a huge route and heavily detailed taking several minutes to load.


I don't know about TANE but i am planing on upgrading to 2019, which i've heard can run TANE content.

I've just gotta get a PC that can run the thing first. ^^;
That route is by Tracksupervisor. Hasn't been active on here for ages. He was extending it to Stanwell Park but never released.

Hi grazlash and others

I tracksupervisor am still around, just don't look in here very often. To all who have issues with unknown assets, all I can do is appologise.
The original route has been progressed further & is not at version 6.x, but unfortunately I may never upload to DLS. My decsision.
If you care to pm me I can explain.

Cheers tracksupervisor
From what I can recall & find

These are the known missing assets but cannot recall where I found them, but more than likely www.trainzkuidindex.com

Tree Flame 01,<kuid:-12:100280> by Auran (could be from earlier version of Trainz)
Tree Flame 02,<kuid:-12:100281> by Auran (could be from earlier version of Trainz)

Porta John,<kuid:138423:400035> by joram24

forklift,<kuid:155664:2001830> by gumbi

n man walk 1,<kuid:370528:1151> by neoklai75 (I think these were from a set by neoklai)
n man walk 9,<kuid:370528:1158> by neoklai75
n man walk 10,<kuid:370528:1166> by neoklai75
n man ment 1,<kuid:370528:1167> by neoklai75
n man ment 3,<kuid:370528:1169> by neoklai75
n womanU 1,<kuid:370528:1176> by neoklai75
n womanU 2,<kuid:370528:1177> by neoklai75
n womanU 3,<kuid:370528:1178> by neoklai75
n womanU walk 1,<kuid:370528:1179> by neoklai75
n baul B,<kuid:370528:1190> by neoklai75
n womanOld 1,<kuid:370528:1214> by neoklai75
n womanOld walk 1,<kuid:370528:1216> by neoklai75
n womanSpSit 3,<kuid:370528:1275> by neoklai75
n womanSpSit 4,<kuid:370528:1276> by neoklai75
n womanSpWalk 5,<kuid:370528:1277> by neoklai75
n womanSpWalk 6,<kuid:370528:1279> by neoklai75
n railman 5,<kuid:370528:1290> by neoklai75
n Man,<kuid:370528:1330> by neoklai75

HayStack low-res,<kuid:47439:90> by sirgibby

Electrical Kiosk,<kuid2:102657:20:127> by advance (use kuid2:102657:20:x) - maybe on DLS
Sports facility block,<kuid2:102657:39000:127> by advance - maybe on DLS (could use any <kuid2:102657:39000:x>)

Scarab lorry,<kuid2:116296:16044:127> sby kipper1945 use <kuid2:116296:16044:x> - maybe on DLS

Scammell coal lorry,<kuid2:116296:16046:1> by skipper1945 use <kuid2:116296:16044:x> - maybe on DLS

The following were replaced/removed from later versions, so have no idea now what they are nor where to find same

<kuid2:126773:21000:2> by unknown - no longer used - maybe try to contact owner "info@rolandziegler.de"
<kuid2:126773:21002:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21003:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21005:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21005:3> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21006:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21007:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21008:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21009:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21010:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21011:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21013:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21014:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21015:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21016:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21017:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21018:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:126773:21019:2> by unknown - no longer used
<kuid2:56511:22003:1> by n5vav - no longer used - maybe try to contact owner "N5VAV@flash.net"
<kuid2:56511:22005:1> by n5vav - no longer used
<kuid2:56511:22012:1> by n5vav - no longer used
<kuid:53695:50057> by pascalvds - no longer used - maybe try to contact owner "Adri@Supermail.nl"
<kuid:343316:5100> by antoneep - no longer used - maybe try to contact owner "anton-eep@hotmail.com"
<kuid:343316:5103> by antoneep - no longer used
<kuid:343316:5108> by antoneep - no longer used
<kuid:370528:1195> by neoklai75 - no longer used - do not know email address for contact
<kuid:429700:100193> by tracksupervisor no longer used - cannot find it in my archives, but maybe a spline
<kuid:44700:27934> by narrowgauge - no longer used - maybe try to contact owner "peterpar@internode.on.net"

I guess at a glance, most missing assets should not affect the look of route, unless it is a track spline. Perhaps just delete missing assets.
Hope this helps.
For Flame Trees, Tree Flame is built in (in Tane anyway) and Tree Flame 1 is available to download. These could probably replace the ones listed above which may be outdated?
For n Man walk I suggest you look for SAP_n_man_walk etc as these have also been updated.
Scarab lorry, by skipper1945 use <kuid2:116296:16044:1>, which is on the DLS.