NS 6920 New Horn

I'm wondering if the NS 6920 has a new horn because I was at railfest yesterday at TVRM

I was too. If you saw a guy with a white shirt with a picture of 4501 in her 'Crescent' scheme, and spending a lot of time over talking to a guy at the HO Scale layout next to the wooden trains, that was me. The guy I was talking to is actually a friend from high school who I've not seen in a while. It suck that 4501 broke drown and they had to use #6920 for the second excursion. Good thing I got tickets for the first excursion on Sunday.
I went down to watch them make the turn on the wye at Cleaveland but no luck. I did see where they had dropped some hot coals from the 10am trip, it had started a small fire by the time I had arrived.

While everyone else there was hanging out around the depot, I decided to hike down to where they were servicing 4501. They had the smokebox door open and had a rake raking out a boatload of soot that had built up inside it. I've got a photo of them pulling out that soot. I'm planning on putting up a few photos I took of them servicing 4501 sometime. Worth noting was that I was on the 10am excursion on Sunday. I was in the Florida East Coast coach. The ride was relatively smooth, though there were a few times where the slack wasn't pulled out smoothly. Reminded me of The Polar Express when it starts moving.
Well, as of September 18th, 6920 still has the same horn... It's just sounding a bit more fouled than usual...