Master of Disaster
I installed MSTS about a week ago and just cannot stop running the Acela from Washington to Philadelphia.
I also asked if anyone was doing the route for TRS, but it seems not, so I took the liberty and am trying to get it done in my sparce free time.
Today I played around for 3 hours with DEMs and HOGs and 1 hour with Basemaps and this is what I got so far :

The entire Washington DC area 30m DEM correct terrain and Basemapped Google images for accurate Track and Object placement.
Not too bad for about 4 hours work, what do you think ?
In the second picture you can see in the foreground at Washington's Union Station that I begun laying some basic track, just for testing now.
But do not expect too much yet, as I have almost no free time (because of work and life) this is probably going to take ages to complete.
Maybe I was just thinking I'll show what can be done in such a short time with the tools we have at hand and it's late already, so I go to bed now and leave you mouth-watering and craving for more with these 2 screenshots
I also took a look at TransDEM, but as I am not even sure if I will finish this project I don't think I should shell out 20 € for it when there are excellent freeware tools out there.
Any kind of feedback is welcome.
Considered release date : Unknown :hehe:
This thread will be updated with new screenshots as I get things done.
I also asked if anyone was doing the route for TRS, but it seems not, so I took the liberty and am trying to get it done in my sparce free time.
Today I played around for 3 hours with DEMs and HOGs and 1 hour with Basemaps and this is what I got so far :

The entire Washington DC area 30m DEM correct terrain and Basemapped Google images for accurate Track and Object placement.
Not too bad for about 4 hours work, what do you think ?
In the second picture you can see in the foreground at Washington's Union Station that I begun laying some basic track, just for testing now.
But do not expect too much yet, as I have almost no free time (because of work and life) this is probably going to take ages to complete.
Maybe I was just thinking I'll show what can be done in such a short time with the tools we have at hand and it's late already, so I go to bed now and leave you mouth-watering and craving for more with these 2 screenshots

I also took a look at TransDEM, but as I am not even sure if I will finish this project I don't think I should shell out 20 € for it when there are excellent freeware tools out there.
Any kind of feedback is welcome.
Considered release date : Unknown :hehe:
This thread will be updated with new screenshots as I get things done.