no traffic roads in 2006? are there any?


New member
hi all

are there any no traffic roads in 2006?

i need some car tracks, dirt tracks, dirt roads, single lane roads
all with no traffic to make it look relistic

i have looked on the DLS but only foumd 1 invisible one

any help gladly appreciated

I didn't find any no-traffic lanes in TRS so I ended up making my own gravel pathway.

but you could just clone the road you want to use and modify the config.txt file to switch off the traffic. It would be a problem if you want to distribute the layout at a later date though.
A lot of the dirt tracks etc dont have traffic on them. They do appear when you first lay the road or when you first go into driver but they normaly stop straight after. They are created as roads like some jetties but they have car rate 0 added to the config.
The traffic on the roads of your layout is determined by the routes region tag in the config.txt file. You can prevent all car traffic by replacing the region value with a different one that doesn't have any cars listed in it. I cloned kuid:-1:7801, which is the USA region kuid, and deleted the carxx list in it, changed username, region and asset-filename tags to XX, saved and commited. Then replaced the line:
region "USA"


to region "XX"

in my route, saved and commited. No more cars on any of its roads.

I haven't tried it recently but Mike10 made a no-traffic road. can't remember if it works in TRS.

hi all

i found some on the dls afer all from sweden or denmark

they look pretty close from the little window

i will check them over the wekend

thanks all
until later on

hi all

i found some on the dls afer all from sweden or denmark

they look pretty close from the little window

i will check them over the wekend

thanks all
until later on


Hi Steven, how did you go with this. I am also looking for a no-traffic road - one that looks the same as (or similiar to) the Trainz built in 'Road 1l' (kuid:-1:100410). My route has a mix of traffic and no-traffic roads, in an attempt to approach realistic Australian rural traffic flows. I plan to upload my route at some stage, so I can't just clone and modify the carrate in the supplied road (or at least, thats my understanding of a limitation of cloning).

(Incidentally, 'road oz forbridge' is a close no-traffic likeness for 'Road 2l', which I have found usefull).

Hi Steven,

Go to the Down Load station, select roads, then do a search for 'NT' , many creators add NT to the asset title to indicate the road has no traffic.
I found at least a dozen roads with no traffic.

Thanks for replying Lindsay. None returned by that search (or others I've tried) are suitable. Specifically, I am looking for an unmarked single lane bitumen road common in rural NSW, similiar to supplied content 'Road 1l'. Sounded like Nitroline was after something similiar.
hi phil

yes i downloaded some no traffic or nt NT roads
they were from ocverseas trainz sites

i cannot give you the kiuds tight now as i am in the middle of renaming every kuid in my computer.
i am about halfway through

i think the german or spanish site had the best roads that wer similar to oz

sorry that i cannot be of more help at this time
