No Drivers?!?!


Eatibus Almost Anythingus
OK although I haven't tried many of the other routes in the game, whenever I do PT Dresden-Nuernberg or a route I downloaded called Niddertalbahn, whenever I do them in a scenario be it one I rigged or one that came with the game. There are NO drivers, when I click on a locomotive there is no driver listed and I cannot make it automatically do things like drive to X or run around train, another thing I find most annoying is that I can only drive in DCC mode. It does not give me a choice for either route when I go to them, it just has it that way, is this simply because some locomotives do not have any control parameters for cab mode in their scripts or because my username somehow speaks of my intelligence be there any?


P.S. My flavor of Trainz is 2006 with SP1
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When you set your trains up in surveyor make sure you use the driver setup rule to give them drivers. As the cab mode im not sure. But it is annoying when you download a loco with no cab script.
Another problem I failed to mention is that the clock is stopped, in PT Dresden-Nuernberg it is always 11:42:18 and it does not change. It does the same on the Niddertalbahn but I cannot remember what time exactly it is at.

If you are missing Drivers then it sounds like a faulty install of either TRS2006 or of SP1.

