Newbie Questions (verbose)


New member
I recently picked up a copy of Trainz "Driver Edition" from bargin bin in Walmart or someplace. (Note that I am not sure what Driver Edition really is b/c the cover art does NOT appear to be the same as the cover art for Trainz 'Driver' seen on thier web site).

In any event, I am new and would like some assistance.

Question 1. What exactly do I have with Driver Edition? Do I not have a full version??

My version shows only 2 modes. One is a Railyard mode which does notihg but show me some train models with no clue what to do with them. (ie. Can I drive all of them?) The box says Railyard mode should allow me to do pax and freight operations, but I dont see it.

The other mode, called Driver Mode is interesting where I drive the train. Unfortunately some of the models that come with the simulator SUCK. Especially the interiors.

This brings me to my next question.

Question 2. I want to download better models. But no place do I see a serial number. Not on the box. Not on a disk. No place. Does Driver Edition have a serial number? Must I have a serial number to download freeware from Auran web site? Are there sites that do not require this silly serial number business?

Can my 'Driver Edition' accept download material?

Lastly, question 3. If Driver Editon is not a complete package, what do single program do I need to make my railroading complete.

Thank you in advance.

I have heard the the driver edition sucks.It doesn't have survayour which allows you build your own routes.So I passed that up and got Trainz 2006. Some say Trainz 2004 is more stabel fro route building etc.but for me 06 is easy and pretty stable once you get it goin. To download and install stuff and use it there is a steep learning curve but with all the help here at the fourm its easy. This is the same with the newest release of trainz classics volume 1&2. I have a copy myself it has its pros and cons which are about the forum.
So in short Driver is kinda like a stripped down version of the normal trainz,it doesn't have all the extra stuff that 04,06,TC etc come with i.e. survayor.
Driver's Edition is the full version of the Driver's Edition. It is exactly what it says on the cover: a place to drive trains. That's the only feature it has.
It's good for people who just want to drive and don't care about the rest of it. It loads faster then the other versions and is more stable because it doesn't have all the downloaded assets which may have errors.
To get the better models, the new routes and the ability to alter or create routes, your best deal would probably be Trainz Railwayz, which has Trainz Classic and a supposedly patched version of TRS2006. Best Buy has it for $20. Other big electronic stores should be the same.

:cool: Claude