Newbie needs help at Surveyor Mode


Hey.I wanna make route at Surveyor,but the whole area is very very very small.Turning all of map with 10mph takes less than a min.

How can i make BIGGER AREA?
Ok.So,there is 2nd problem:Italian Language

Can sb of you explain it to me?
When in Surveyor, open the first surveyor screen on the right hand side, then select "Advanced" at the bottom of that screen. Move your cursor over the options and you will find the first one is to "extend". Click on that and then go to the edge of your baseboard and left click off the edge, this will add another baseboard. Keep going until you have enough for what you need at the moment and add more later.

As Craig says to add a baseboard to a side, select Topology tab (or press F1), select the Advanced bar at the bottom and then click Extend. Click the mouse pointer on the side of your existing baseboard that you want to extend.
Possibly says Topologia or simply press F1
