Newbie - Decoupling problem


New member
Trainz 2004 noob here ... and a forum virgin - be gentle :rolleyes:!

I can't seem to decouple from a train/consist. I stop, set the brake (A), click on the decouple icon, mouseover to the coupling (it goes red) ... I click on it and the red highlight disappears and the decouple icon appears to toggle - yet I stay firmly attached to the train.

Am I missing something (apart fom brain cells)? What am I doing wrong?


Welcome to the forum :D

Two points to check:

1) Is the train under AI control? (ie does it have commands waiting to be executed?). If this is the case you cannot override the AI, you will need to right-click on the train and select "Stop Train" before you can take control of it.

2) Once decoupled, the direction your locomotive sees as "forward" may have changed, try driving forward rather than reversing away (or vice versa)

(Hmm and another: make sure the brakes are off :p )

Hope this helps,

Welcome to the forum :D

Why, thank'ee kindly, Sir! ;)

Two points to check:

1) Is the train under AI control? (ie does it have commands waiting to be executed?). If this is the case you cannot override the AI, you will need to right-click on the train and select "Stop Train" before you can take control of it.[/qoute]

Nope. It's actually scenario No.3 (Robe River). I'm working my way through them, one by one. It's a very green *me* that's (supposed to be) driving it.

2) Once decoupled, the direction your locomotive sees as "forward" may have changed, try driving forward rather than reversing away (or vice versa)

Tried both ... brakes on/off ... you name it. Is there any visual clue to show that you've successfully decoupled? (Choosing my words carefully here :D).

Thanks for the mega-quick reply!

Check if it has decoupled by placing the uncouple icon back over the coupling. it should show the couple in a raised position. Some couplings have a small response area and the angle also when uncoupling can cause you to miss.
Hi Adam,

No problem :D

There are only three circumstances I can think of that could prevent you from decoupling and it's either that the train has been given commands and is under AI control, that the train has passed a signal at danger and is taking the ten-second "penalty" (during which you can't do anything) or that you're double-clicking the red icon!

Once you've decoupled, the red icon on the train itself will change (briefly) to show a released knuckle coupler, like this:


A way to check you've decoupled is to click the decouple icon again (or hit Ctrl+D) and then hover over the coupling in question, if you're still coupled up it will look like this:



Hi Adam

You 've said something of "scenario". If it is really a scenario and not a session, it may not be possible to uncouple, if the creator of the scenario don't want that. :)


Sorted!! :D

Thanks for *all* your replies. The pics were particularly useful - as it looks as if it was a combination of just about everything: brakes, wrong direction - and me simply toggling the un-coupler back ON :mad:. I really hadn't spotted the "open" shape.

So ... scenario duly completed ... next!!

It's really quite encouraging to see so much help being offered - and so quickly! :):):)

Hi all, another newbie question on the same scenario (Robe River Ore).

Uncoupled no problem, drove forward to buffer stops, but am unable to switch tracks (junctions should be automatic) to run around the train.

Do I just have to wait for a certain time? Tried sounding horn, etc. What am I doing wrong? :?
The junctions are not automatic except in AI mode. You need to change junction by clicking on the red/green arrows or press key J if foreward travel or shift/j if in reverse direction.
Thanks, sorry, forgot to mention had tried manually changing junctions both with mouse (external and map views) and keyboard, but nothing happens.

I'll give the scenario another try...
Forgive me for resurrecting this old thread.

I have Trainz 2006, from the Trainz Complete Collection set. I'm on the Highland Valley tutorial scenario playing around.

I can't uncouple the cars so I can couple the ones used to pick up wood chips.

What am I doing wrong? Do I just couple the cars for the woodchips behind the ones for logs?

The frustration with this has effect my high blood pressure. Maybe double meds today? Hahaha! This sim was supposed to help my unwind. :hehe: :'(

I tried decoupling on a regular non-tutorial scenario and it worked perfect, to my relief. I'm just wondering why that tutorial mission wouldn't let me. I also couldn't couple that boxcar in the Tutorial 3, the one with the lovely Santa Fe engine.

Anyway, thanks in advance for the help. And if this thread is too old just ignore me and I'll either not worry further about it.

I just the bought the 2010EE simulator and was playing the tutorial and am trying to couple up to my train cars. I press CTRL D but i still cant hook it up what am i doing wroug?
I think it's bugged.

I personaly think the decoupling system is bugged. Sometimes it works for me and other times it dosn't. Decoupling has not been modeled very well in my opinion.