Newbee to Trainz


New member

I'm Ren from Sydney Australia and just bought the Trainz collection and i must say i'm enjoying it very much.

I've been looking around here for a few hours and must say its a great community on this forum and am blown away by how good the screen shots look in the screen shots section.

A question though, I've installed UTC, 2004 and 2006 on my computer, but cant really find that much difference between them, so far i've noticed 2006 has wheel slippage and sanding for extra grip, and 2004 introduced the commodities feature, so i just wondering if i should uninstall UTC and 2004 and just keep the latest 2006, but it does not seem to have the paint shed feature. When i bought the game i though i'd get the lastest verison of the game with all extras included. Instead i got 3 versions of the game with loads of version specific extras. I'm just a little overwhelmed by the number of versions of trainz, add-ons and service packs.

Any tips would be great ;)

Welcome to the wonderful world of Trainz! :) It's my understanding that TRS 2006 does indeed have paintshed included with it somewhere, but unfortunately I don't use paintshed myself, so I can't help you there. If you do want to get serious about re-painting rolling stock, I think you'll quickly find that Paintshed doesn't cut it, although I'm sure it's a good starting point.

What version of Trainz you prefer is really up to you. However, in my opinion, UTC is somewhat outdated now and I'd suggest choosing between 2004 or 2006. Based on reading the forums, it seems that the most common complaints about TRS2006 are related to Content Manager Plus (CMP) rather than the game itself.

Personally, I purchased 06 when it came out and I haven't gone back to 04 once. I find that the graphics are sharper, the frame rates are better, and I actually far prefer CMP to the older methods of content managment - although it's far from perfect.

Hope this helps, and welcome to Trainz!

Hello Rene_k

Welcome to the Trainz Community. :)

Regarding your question about UTC, 2004 and 2006, each is a newer version of the other, but I'm sure you will hear everything you want to know on that subject here from the members. :)


Well if you want to get SP1 for 2006 you'll have to download it on a "Celan" version of trainz 06 , Which means after you install ( trainz ) you can't play it untill SP1 is downloaded.

Hope this gets you past that problem if you chose 2006:) .

Well if you want to get SP1 for 2006 you'll have to download it on a "Celan" version of trainz 06 , Which means after you install ( trainz ) you can't play it untill SP1 is downloaded.

Hope this gets you past that problem if you chose 2006:) .


Unless that version comes with SP1 already installed - I suspect it might...


I'm Ren from Sydney Australia and just bought the Trainz collection and i must say i'm enjoying it very much.



Welcome aboard Ren,

Which version you use is totally up to you. I use TRS2006, and I find that I don't really need any previous version installed.

TRS2006 will run most content created before it. eg: 2004, utc content.

Yes, tell us the build numbers for each (UTC, TRS2004 and TRS2006) and we can check for you. The build number is displayed on the main menu when you start Trainz.

Or you can look them up yourself on the Trainz wikibook.

With service packs you must download and apply precisely the correct file. The file will have two numbers in its name, the first of which must be your current build number and the second is the build number that will result.

UTC went up to SP1.
TRS2004 went up to SP4. You can jump from any level to SP4 in one go.
TRS2006 is currently up to SP1. Applying SP1 for TRS2006 is tricky, you need to follow the instructions very precisely.
