New Zealand North Island Project(large pics)


TS2010 User
Greetings all just like to post some pics of my NZ North Island project. I'm attempting to make most of the rail routes in the North Island. I'm not making them super detailed as it will crunch my puter, but I'm havin a great time bumbling along making this stuff to a resonable level and would like to share pics with everyone as I go along. I'm mostly keen on freight operations of Toll Rail, so passenger stuff probably won't make it into my project.

Starting with the Wellington Yard

Not complete yet but have the basics in place, all the track layout is complete, Still have the Trainz dem tiles in place at the moment. I've made a lot of the buildings but not textured yet, have to get some pics of the actual buildings to make em look good. Don't know how detailed I can make them yet as I hope for a puter upgrade in the 12 months. Just adding roads in at the moment. I will be adding the Port over the back of the cake tin there.

I'll add some more pics when is looking a little better





And this is what I'm trying to make it look like


Ripper day aye
Looking good there. :p

Do the tracks in the real picture look a little narrower than the ones in your screenies?

Is that really where they put the WestPac Centre? Good grief! Don't put in any Borats in mankinis... :hehe:

I realise I'm in danger of making this more of an interrogation than a posting but how far north do you plan to go?


Good looking shots Lots_Trains. I hope you succeed in completing this route.

I've seen you post pics of a lot of NZR locos before and wondered if they are/will be available?? I'm a Queenslander but I have an interest in NZ rail.

I made a DC class a few years ago. Unfortunately, due to a replacement of bogeys on the DLS, the old ones became obsolete. This means they now protrude though the plows.:(
Hey Midland, Colhad thankx

The tracks Midland are NZ Gauge 1067 if my memory serves correct so narrowgauge. ehehe no borat stuff, hey I don't mind the interogation love the questions.

I've have split the NI into several maps, This one goes from Wellington up the wirewrapper to Masterton and up the main trunk to Longburn all the track is layed and loops route is all operable in a session.

Next one is Longburn,Palmerston Nth,Woodville,Ohakune, again all tracks are layed and operating just fine, I wanna redoo the Palmy Yard though I've made few mistakes in that.

Next is Ohakune to Te Rapa, Only done the Terrain
Next Te Rapa, Auckland, Whangarei Only done the Terrain
Next Te Rapa to the Mount,Kinleith,Kawarua,Muruapara, only Terrain done

Woodville Napier Gisborne, Damm NZ WMS server on blink, its just about been down for a year now
Same for Marton New Plymouth

Colhad I have some nice DC/DBR drawings here hope to get on to it soon as for releasing them, ??


How'd you get that Highway? I've been looking for one! like that(Overpasses, onramps, cloverleafs,etc)
Good one, good one! :D

How are you planning to get into the "Wirewrapper"? Through the tunnel or over the...? :hehe:

(Fell rail track is freely available on the DLS)


Goin though the tunnel, the NZ WMS server only has the current stuff, I wouldn't like to to go over the hill dunno where the track went. hah oldtimerstuff I'm not much into the steam stuff but I've seen some impressive pics of trains going over the Rimutaka's. I think the Rimutaka Tunnel is 8kms long

ehehehe I was hopeing there is no wirewrapper types in here.

Isaacg unfortunatly I made them myself so not on DLS, all spline objects.

I hope I'm not jumping the gun or anything, but do you plann on releasing it in the near(or far!lol!:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: ) future!
The tracks Midland are NZ Gauge 1067 if my memory serves correct so narrowgauge.


Well, strictly speaking, no - there's nothing especially 'narrow' about 1067mm gauge. In NZ 1067mm IS 'standard' gauge.

If 4' 8 1/2" was really 'standard' then everyone would be using it - but they don't, so it isn't :).

Just my 2c worth ('though I'm not at all sure its worth that much).
Kiwi you are so right I should have said a little narrower than usual:udrool:

Sorry Issacg wasn't planning on releasing it I've got to much of other peoples stuff burgled into my stuff, It wouldn't be fair to the owners if it was released

Hi Lots Trains, a commendable effort. That Wellington yard seems somewhat familiar to me! I am interested in where you got the N.Z. DEM data from? I have built my route so far with only topo maps and Google Earth as a reference/guide.
Cheers, Trev. :)
Hi Fender yes I bet you are familiar with the yard, I've been watching your project with interest, the DEM data is from a Wellington outfit called Geo Graphix (if ya want I will track down phone num) it is expensive it will coast you an arm and a leg, its 15m data considerable better than the Nasa stuff but at least thats free. Then its been put together with Tranz Dem.

Its a bit of pain at the moment as you can't get NZ WMS data there server has been down for about a year now

Thankyou Mr.Lots Trains, I cannot spare either my arm or leg, but if the cost really isn't all that bad, then it could be worthwhile. Too late for my current project,as I have completed all the terrain ( labour intensively by freehand), but maybe for a future project? BTW, there used to be a much smaller "roundhouse" where the new caketin is - it was actually a half roundhouse, but was known by the locals as the roundhouse. I think a local popgroup called the Quincy Conserve wrote and performed a song about it. It served as the Railways office and pay office , was the scene of an armed robbery in the late 1970's, and was demolished not long after that. Just a trip down memory lane - getting back to your route, I don't envy you placing all that eye candy on all those route sections, it really is time consuming, but I wish you all the best.
Cheers, Trev. :)
Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. I recognised the area immediately, because I live in Wellington. :)

You can bet I'm waiting for this. :)

EDIT: Oh yeah, just wondering, are you going to do the Hutt Valley line, from Wellington to Upper Hutt, and from Upper Hutt to Masterton? =P
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