new to TRS, need help


New member
my name is : Suren :)
i Live in : Sri Lanka
I'm new to TRS, I brought a copy of TRS 2006 from UK from my uncle.
I'm a railway nut since birth.

I always wanted to create my country is railway network into TRS 2006
but i dont know how to do it and i have failed lot of times. :confused:

So can someone here create the map for me & give it, please
i will give you all the details needed

below is an map of the railway network

good map:

some info about the Railways:
Sri Lanka is a Island in the Indian ocean. The railway network was introduced to the country by the British in 1864, presently owned by the Government of Sri Lanka the Railway network consist of 1,449 km of broad gauge (5 feet 6 inches) and 59 km Narrow gauge (2 feet 6 inches Currently converted to broad gauge). Sri Lanka is proud to own some of the most scenic rail routes in the world.

some info

some pics

Thank you,
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Hi Suren,

welcome to the forum.

That's quite an ambitious project you are thinking of.

I have been to Sri Lanka twice in the late nineties and traveled on most of the lines, behind steam, in proper style, with the Viceroy Special. A great experience! There are a few pictures on my web page from the 2nd trip. Text is in German but the pictures will speak for themselves.

About route building:

What I would suggest is to start with a short section. Building the entire network would be a very complex task. You will need large scale maps or aerial images to build to scale. Google Earth covers part of Sri Lanka in medium resolution which should be sufficient for the Trainz project.

Digital elevation data - a height map - to form the terrain is also available from a NASA mission, keywords: DEM and SRTM.

There are tools around, TransDEM looks like it would be appropiate.

Have a dig in the forums to get some back ground information. Off hand I'd suggest building a small route in surveyor first. Trainz and it's environment are both powerful and complex. Try to take it by stages because without some experience I suspect it maybe too much.

Also check to see if the locos and rolling stock are available. Normally they can be repainted or reskinned but that can be quite complex in itself. Buildings again there maybe something that some one has built that will do otherwise you may need to get GMAX out and the initial frustration factor can be high. If you work through the tutorials first and get a feel for how it all comes together it's doable but not in a day.

Welcome to Trainz by the way.

Cheerio John