New to Trainz


New member
I have been a "Flightsimmer" for many years and still am. However, I have recently gotten the 'urge' to try train simming. Just wondering how to start? What software do I need to get going?

Thanks a lot,

System: Intel Core 2 Duo E6700, Intel 975XBX mobo, 4GB DDR2 memory, nVidia GeForce 7950GX2 with 1GB memory, 500GB hd, 3 19" monitors with the Matrox TripleHead2Go. Using the Saitek Yoke & Throttles and the CH Pedals.
hi Howard

Welcome to the forums !! And a Happy New Year.

The only program you need is a version of Trainz.

The latest version is Trainz Classics, or TRS2006 before that, or TRS2004 before that.

Once installed, many items come with the Trainz CD's, and once registered, a whols bunch of items are available from the DLS for free, or there is a host of fellow creators that supply items free and payware. Have a look at the fansite listing.
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Thanks Paul. I plan on being 'on board' real soon and I was just wondering if there is much available in Commuter trains and routes?

System: Intel Core 2 Duo E6700, Intel 975XBX mobo, 4GB DDR2 memory, nVidia GeForce 7950GX2 with 1GB memory, 500GB hd, 3 19" monitors with the Matrox TripleHead2Go.
Thanks Paul. I plan on being 'on board' real soon and I was just wondering if there is much available in Commuter trains and routes?

System: Intel Core 2 Duo E6700, Intel 975XBX mobo, 4GB DDR2 memory, nVidia GeForce 7950GX2 with 1GB memory, 500GB hd, 3 19" monitors with the Matrox TripleHead2Go.

Yes, there definitely is much! ;)
There is plenty, dont get too carried away though LOL

There are a lot of very helpful buddies here too, from all round the world.
Yes, there is plenty to amuse virtually any interest. And there are LOTS of us here ready to help you along, so don't be afraid to ask!

Yesssssssss, another newbie

Oh yes there are lots of us here, over 260000 and counting, though only a very tiny chip of that number actually comes here:hehe: As for content, as a fellow Flightsimmer I can say without a doubt that there is more content available for Trainz than there is for FSX. And whats convenient is that with CMP it all installs automatically, no more copying and pasting of files from a .zip library into the program directory, no sir!

Yeah, Flightsimmers and Trainzers!!! I would say that there is possibly more content for Trainz than FS2004...there's a lot of stuff out there!

Content Manager Plus

All the versions have things packed into files call CDP's, these unpack auto into the right place, so easy !!!
My first post might as well be a salute to a fellow fligh simmer :D . I too got the bug to try train simming and am really enjoying it so far.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trainz. It can be VERY addictive. If I keep going at the pace I've been at, I may have to join 'Trainz Anonymous' :hehe:
Hi and welcome to the Wonderful, flat world of Trainz!

There are 6 Versions of Trainz. 3 are Discontinued but still supported.

Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006 Perks:
Content Manager Plus (CMP) is the program that manages and organizes all of your assets/content. To download new stuff through CMP is as easy as 1-2-3-4 in TRS2006 (Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006) and Classics (mentioned below).

1. Do a search
2. Select what you are looking for
3. Move it into the download helper panel
4. Click start!

Download helper will do everything automatically (Download, Install and organize) and even flag faulty content so you can fix it.

CMP only automatically searches the Auran Download Station and does not search private pages.

Trainz Classics perks:
Trainz Classics is the newest version of Trainz and is being released in editions. Editions 1 & 2 have been bundled and is called Railways in the UK, Railwayz in the USA and Classics everywhere else. Trainz Railwayz includes TRS2006. Edition 3 is due for release soon (next month soon)
It features CMP but the content level has been cut down to make the program smaller and to run more efficiently.

Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004 perks:
TRS2004 is the oldest version of Trainz available on its own. It is also the version that there is the most content for but all of this content is available for newer versions. TRS2004 does not feature CMP, but there is a program called Trainzobjectz that can be downloaded from the downloads page of the TRS2004 web site.

It works in a similar way as CMP, but is more stable and more limited. You also have to manually search for your content which is also easy.

Below is a guide to some abbreviations used on the forums.


Guide to Guide: Forum name here {nickname(s) = Full name and/or description

No Post on Trainz Forum {MSTS = Microsoft Train Simulator.
No Post on Trainz Forum {MSTSX = Microsoft Train Simulator X. Un-Released. Vista Only.
No Post on Trainz Forum {KTS = Kuju Train Simulator. Apparently very hard to use and highly bugged competitor.
Post Classics forum {TC, Classics = Trainz Classics Editions 1, 2 and 3 when it is released
Post Original {TVR = Re-Release of SP3. Known as "Trainz Virtual Railroad"
Post TRS2006 {TRS06, TRS2006, 2006 = Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006
Post TRS2004 {TRS04, TRS2004, 2004 = Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004
No Post place on Trainz Forum {Driver = Cheap cut-down version of TRS06 called Trainz Driver
Post Ultimate {UTC, Ultimate = The Ultimate Trainz Collection
Post Original {SP3, Original = The first good one. The one that everyone seems to only have the demo of. Also known as "Trainz Model Railroad Simulator"
Post Original {SP1, Pre SP3 = Trainz (first) retail.

TC is the newest and is compatible (in a fashion) to all previous content except Pre SP3 content.
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Thank you. I am sure it will be a fun ride but right now I am so confused... Ahhhhh. :o I downloaded some new routes and all of their dependancies, and I heard a bunch of noise like a lot was going on ;). well I go into Train Classics... nothing new there. So I go into TS2006... nope nothing there either. :(. It sure sounded impressive while it was installing though ;):hehe: . Ok seriously, did i miss the boat somewhere. I have been addding on to flight sims for ages, I can do this, can't I? :eek: :confused:

LouP :mop:
It probably has installed them. You could try looking in the Open For Editing tab, but CMP should have automatically committed those assets, so the next logical way to find them would be to do a search.

Open the search window, which is located on the left side of CMP. In there you can choose several options to find what you want, so select Category and that will select the default setting of Routes. Click the plus symbol to select another option, then select Location, which will default to Local. Click the plus once more, then select Built-in and click the equal sign with the cross through it. That last option will make the search only show Local Routes, without showing the built-ins as well. If the route shows up in there, then it has been installed.

Hope that helps.

This forum is really great and you guys are very helpful. All I gotta do now is find a retailer who sells the product. So far, I went to Best Buy, Circuit City & Walmart and can't find it anywhere.

Thanks again,

Guess you will be hushed for a while, as Trainz is very addictive, and you will be playing for a while. Dont forget, and problems come back and ask as many questions as you want, thats what we are here for.

Dont forget you have to register the program to get access to the DLS and download lots of content.

Which version did you go for ??
Thanks Paul. I'm looking forward to this. Is the DLS the Download Station in the above menu? Is that where I would find commuter trains and routes?