New to Trainz - First Post


New member
Hello to all!

I am new to Trainz. I have Trainz2006 and I have used it to create an HO Gauge model of the track plan I am developing for my garage layout. I have found Surveyor to be comprehensive and easy to use, once I mastered a few elements. I am enjoying running trains on my layout and testing my design concepts.

I have not found any way yet to print out my "layout map". Is printing supported in any part of the Sim?

I see discussion about Trianz 2008. Is there a newer version than my 2006 version and if so, where is info comparing the two versions?

I found it very difficult to successfully get on to this website. Registration of my game was straightforward, but the links did not always work properly. I have not yet been successful in accessing this site directly from within the game - I am on now via normal Web access.

I have successfully downloaded content from the community. However, at least one object I donwloaded did not function correctly and blew away my operating session. Thankfully, my basic layout file was not corrupted - if it had been, I would have lost many hours of work and been really disgusted. I hope that my experience is not common - if it is, the download section is worthless.

The website offers an update to 2006, but I have not found any link to actually permit a download.

Comments and suggestions would be welcome.

Regards to all,

Hi Arthur,

Welcome to Trainz, the best virtual model railroad simulator program EVER!

What you need is a free program called TrainzMap, I think if you just google TrainzMap you can get a link to download it. It is a great program which not only will map the layout that you created for you, but will also allow you to make substitutions of items, such as changing from one track design to another.

Visit which is a free online magazine dealing with virtual railroading and has many articles for Trainz users, including free layouts.

I think you will find many helpful items at Virtual railroader.:D


TRS2008 is a non-English version. The latest in the Trainz series is Trainz Classics, effectively an update to TRS2006 but due to a marketing decision quite a lot of the content builtin to TRS2006 was excluded. Preventing the type of problem you had was one of the reasons, TC content was all checked to ensure that no problems existed. many TC users are transferring their 2006 content into TC but at their own risk

Losing an operating session would normally have no effect on the underlying route(map). It sounds like an excuse for your problem but, on the DLS there are more than 90,000 items, all made by non-professional creators and the occasional session breaking problem can occur.

The DLS has had a bad spell, the web host had problems and the site is very busy, in the past couple of weeks access has been very hit-and-miss.

The update you are looking for is SP1, the link is there, go to the Shop, page down, you will find the link, you will also find it is out of stock. I can't remember if there is a downloadable copy, I think there is but it is a big one, >600 mb. That may be one way you can get it. Do a forum search for TRS2006 SP1

Enjoy your Trainz, it has kept me addicted for 7 years.


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It is some time since I installed my SP1 but one critical point is that you must delete your current copy, saving your content before you do, re-install the main program, DO NOT RUN IT, then install the update.

The instructions are somewhere on the forum, again, a search will bring them to light.


Welcome to the wonderful world of Trainz and this forum. You'll find lots of friendly people here willing to help you through difficulties.
Hi Art,


One of your questions seems to have been missed - you can use "Trainzmap" to print your layout - it should be part of the SP1 IF I remember correctly!

Do check the build number (bottom right of the start-up screen) before you do the SP1 download - some of the recent retail versions don't need the update.


Hi Art,


One of your questions seems to have been missed - you can use "Trainzmap" to print your layout - it should be part of the SP1 IF I remember correctly!

Do check the build number (bottom right of the start-up screen) before you do the SP1 download - some of the recent retail versions don't need the update.



You are correct Colin. Trainzmap came with SP1 for TRS06. However there is an update available for the utility. You can find it here:
Download a copy of our CMP User Guide: and familiarise yourself with how it works.

Then make sure you take backup copies of your route. If the worst happens and your route imploded you can always go to the backup. Then you won't "have lost many hours of work and been really disgusted".

I hope that my experience is not common - if it is, the download section is worthless.
*attempts to control laughter*

At least a fifth of everything on that thing is going to give you some sort of weird problem. Usually it doesn't cause a huge problem (they just won't show up when you place them), but sometimes it does something crazy and messed up.

Thankfully, there's an error fixing guide for the Content Manager somewhere around here, I think.

As for killing the operating system, WHAT? Methinks that is some sort of problem with your operating system, not with what you downloaded. Get Ubuntu.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trainz, ArthurDaniels. When you have a moment or two, take your time to familiarise yourself with another great feature with TRS2006 is the iportal system. With this, you can send and receive trains from other users over the internet. It is easy to learn and to use.

Also there are many fansites to go and visit, which are dedicated to Trainz. These may contain tutorials, non-DLS items and many other things.
Welcome Art,

You'll become very addicted to this program and forget about other less important things in your life like, family, work, sleep, and food.

Don't be afraid to ask questions here. Trainz is a big program with a lot of different aspects of it, and you've only just scratched the surface. :)


You can't complain about the welcome given here! And help is straightforward. Keep trainzing.

The way you walked from Model Railroading to Trainz is a well-known path for most of senior trainzers over here. Sometimes it was a no return road to having fun on an affordable model railroading space and budget.

Have fun yourself!

Alberte :wave:
Hi Art!:wave:
Isn't it really great when you can get over 15 welcome messages? This really is a great community!
*wipes away tear at corner of eye*

Anywho, welcome and enjoy Trainz, long may it live!

Keep on trainzing!