new sheds uploaded


thanks for the memories
here are three sheds that I've uploaded. Should be on DLS monday or tuesday.



nice work, you are making some very useful content, your stuff has definetly found a home on my layouts:D
thanks all for the kind words

just sitting around with it cold outside and was in the mood to create some simple stuff. I've got some more that I'm working on, but it might be awhile. My wife and I are leaving on a cruise thursday, so I'll be out of pocket for a couple of weeks.

You know, there's just too much that I want to create and not enough time. I'm still working on my animated conveyor from time to time. I was almost finished with it and Gmax crashed out on me and I lost it. I still have the mesh, but my animation and textures are gone. I'll get back on that when I feel a little more energized. In the meantime, I'm working on another route and some more simple content.
nice work!!!:D

Thanks ish. I just love creating stuff and hopefully they will find homes somewhere.
I've got a new route on the DLS that I've been working on for a couple of months (Caney Fork RR) and now that it's uploaded, I'm going to finish a session or two that I'm working on for it and then get back to some content creation.
Thanks ish. I just love creating stuff and hopefully they will find homes somewhere.
I've got a new route on the DLS that I've been working on for a couple of months (Caney Fork RR) and now that it's uploaded, I'm going to finish a session or two that I'm working on for it and then get back to some content creation.

Hello Leeferr,

You are welcome ... I jsut glance at your stuff at the DLS ... You got lots of useful contents that I might have to plug into my layout ... I like the Vehicle Inspection Rack

Great job!!
Ishie:) :p
We narow gaugers need more old worn out small buildings if that's what you might want to do also.

Great work so far...;)
