new session for caney fork - but questions


thanks for the memories
I've got a new session ready for upload for my Caney Fork RR, but I have a question.
I mistakenly understood that when a session was saved, that the rolling stock of the session was saved in the config for the session, but I've since discovered that rolling stock appears to be saved in the route config.
If I have a route already up on the DLS, how do I upload a session that includes different rolling stock than was saved in the original route and session that was uploaded to the DLS since the route config on the DLS doesn't include the rolling stock that's in the new session?

Thanks for any help
Try going into the config and deleting the rolling stock names, but you might have to delete the session, and save the route to a disk or just download the route from DLS.
You may have misunderstood my question. I'm sorry that I wasn't very clear. I want to upload a session for a route that's already on the DLS. The problem is that the rolling stock needed for the session is not in the config of the route that's already on the DLS.
Only routes I know of similar situations has been philskene's. To my know he and at least one other upload sessions for his routes, I've noticed different rolling stock in sessions for the same route, doesn't seem to be a problem.
If you are still worried about the route config, delete the rolling stock from the route config and reupload the route.
Sessions should work fine since you would only be uploading the session config, not the route config. That's my guess.
That's what I would think, but there is no rolling stock in the session config, so where does the session get its rolling stock information if there's no rolling stock information in the route config either?

I can't answer your whole question but I can tell you that the rolling stock does not have to be part of the route. I run many scenarios and sessions on The Razorback Railway and the basic routes has no rolling stock on it. The session adds the rolling stock. It may be that the rolling stock has to be a named consist to show up but that is just a guess. I'm sure someone can give you the correct answer.


About all i can say is check out Philskene's sessions and the config.txt files in them. They be on the dls. My 2 cents Mike

I just looked at a couple of sessions I had made for some reason or another, the engines and traincars are listed in the config.
I looked at the session config again and now the rolling stock is showing up. I swear that they weren't there before. thanks everyone and for all of you old enough to remember Roseanne Roseanadana on the old Saturday Night Live -Never Mind:o