Using Surveyor in Trainz2006 I have started to model the old Yosemite Valley Railroad. To check on my route I went to the driver mode but all I got was a bright blue screen. What am I doing wrong?
Using Surveyor in Trainz2006 I have started to model the old Yosemite Valley Railroad. To check on my route I went to the driver mode but all I got was a bright blue screen. What am I doing wrong?
You may be going " off map" due to no locomotive on the route.
Place a locomotive some where on the route. A driver will be appointed to the locomotive. That should land you at the locomotive when entering driver mode.
Other than that I have no idea
I put several locomotives on the track but same results. I also loaded one of Trainz routes and was able to move from Surveyor to Driver and back. Could it be my route has too many boards?
Sometimes a ghost train appears with a loco you put on the track. If you let trainz assign the drivers it may have put one in the ghost train. Check your driver set up to see which train the first driver has been assigned to. Also make sure the train does not lie over a junction as this may derail it before driver is loaded.
My computer is an eMachine with an aMD 2.21 Ghz processor, 1.37 GB of RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce 6100 graphics card with latest driver downloaded and isntall. Downloaded and install the SP1 package.
UH-OH, I had the exact same problem after I installed SP1 . You must have ran Trainz or viewed the Read-me before SP1 installation. You cannot run Trainz or anything of at all before you install SP1. Otherwise you'll have problems.
As noted the problem was that I tried to install SP1 after I had opened and ran Trainz2006. I deleted T2006; reloaded it and then ran the SP! patch. Everything now works! Thanks for you help.
Gary Orr
Coarsegold, CA