NEW! Pacific Surfliner Route: TC ONLY!


New member
Hey Guys!

I'd like to introduce you to my new project, ProjectSurfliner. This route is a Trainz Classics exclusive. The route starts in the north at Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal(LAUPT) and heads south to Fullerton, Anaheim, and Irvine where the SCAX Metrolink terminates. The next major stop is at oceanside. Here, Coaster trains terminate. This is also the station the "SPRINTER" uses on it's San Diego- Escondido services. Along the way, you'll meet BNSF, BN, UP, Local Commuter Trains, the LA Metro, the San diego LRT, and other Pacific Surfliner trains. I've only got some trackage and the LA River "ditch" in place. Therefore, I won't be posting any screens today(Unless I get some scenery started).

Isaac Grove
That sounds good. Are you going all the way to San Diego?
Oceanside is also the southern end of the Metrolink system, so there's a lot of action for such a small town.
I'll be waiting for the screenies.

:cool: Claude
Yes, all the way to San Diego. For those in shock, I'm planning an Extension from LAUPT to San Luis Obispo. And add a few freight stuff for those who love all things cargo!












Isaac Grove

P.S. If the scenery is NOT near the track, The scenery will not be as detailed. I'll be using DMDRAKE's Suburban and City SPLINES and BLOCKS.
Looks good! I love running Santa Fe trains there in a time period of around 1992 - 1995. There is a current route to the likes of that already that runs from L.A Union Station to Oceanside with the U.P cutoff at Fullerton. Forgot who made it. But I am looking forward to the route!
Looks good! I love running Santa Fe trains there in a time period of around 1992 - 1995. There is a current route to the likes of that already that runs from L.A Union Station to Oceanside with the U.P cutoff at Fullerton. Forgot who made it. But I am looking forward to the route!

UUUMMM... You're talkin about Chrisracer's PaciSurf. He could only go as far a O.side cause of RAM.

To Heaven7 I would say the colours are Hog colours Used with the Dem Map:and 4 hog colours ( out of 72 ) are built in TC as well .
Nice city-scape . . .
I love those TALL buildings . . . are they on DLS ??? OR, are they your own creaton ???

Wish I had those TALL GUYS in my little corner of "San Angeles " :)

For the shorter buildings . . . we have the same taste, maybe.

By the way, I have a set of Surfliner coaches that I downloaded from DLS, but the "coach car" refuses to show up in surveyer. Where did you get your coaches ? Are you re-skinning Surfliner locos ?

Nice start, from what I can see. Keep us posted.
I'm gonna reskin the Superliner coach and Domingomolina and I have built an F59PHI. It's actually an export from MSTS.

Great pics! You've really captured the feel of downtown San Diego.
Two points. First, if the convention center is the red building in the right of the second picture, it doesn't look anything like the one in San Diego.
Do you have some white buildings that can be placed together to give a terraced effect? I know you won't be able to duplicate the actual building.
Second, may I suggest the Southwest Station by Meridious (87907:260171) for the San Diego Station. It's a Santa Fe station in Mission Revival style, and this is the closest thing I've seen so far.
Overall, it's a great start. I'm tempted to buy TC just to download this.

Heaven7: The bluish lines are the track, the red lines are roads.

:cool: Claude
Does any one have sketchup, gmax, trainz, and the know-how to get some custom content into trainz? I don't want to sound demanding. I've got some ideas from 3dwarehouse:

~Look Below~
NEVER, EVER! Under estimate yourself! I got an F59PHI into Trainz!

Hi Guys!

I got the F59PHI to Work for thoughs who have been waiting forever!



Isaac Grove