New Norfolk Suothern route, progress screenshots


New Norfolk Suothern route, progress screenshots. Neglected thread

Hi, i started new Norfolk Suothern (DEM, HOG) ruote, Norfolk (Virginia) to Suffolk (Virginia). Progress screenshots for Lamberst's point terminal area.
Empty NS topgon coal cars yards

Clasification yards
clasification yards.JPG

port warehuoses
port warehuose1.JPG

port warehuose2.JPG

yards reparier shop
rp shop.JPG

West Chent Residential area wiew
west chent wiew.JPG

Lambert's point residential area wiew
lp wiew.JPG

progress map area
area wiew.JPG
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Nice job!

Wow. You did a nice job on that terminal. Have you tested any trainz on it yet? How is the framerates? Are you using low poly track? It looks prototyical.:)
Some kind of award needed...

8) That Map View of the coal trans-loader yards, deserves a picture award all by itself!

The perfection of symmetry of the ladder tracks, is astounding...I can't believe the railroad did it this perfect!

The industries so far look great also!

You've done a great job Martynas, and keep up the good work! AJ/BK
@ Isstaten - huoses may custiom scenery, @ sethmcs - what is trainz framerates? I'm letting advice ( concern tree, grass and more scenery), thank yuo for yuor kind thought of me.
WHOA!!!:eek: A lot of tracks there. Must be at least 100. Finally, somebody else besides me have a route in VA
Smail update
NS empty coal train outgoing for Lambert's point coal terminal

Lambert's point terminal east wiev

Lambert's point docks warehuoses yards

NS boxcar, warehuose...

Lambert's point warehuoses wiev, for Portsmouth container terminal

Lambert's point docks warehuoses yards suoth wiev

Lambert's point coal clasification yards wiev

NS reparier shop

and Lambert's point residential area wiev

:confused: It riles me that trainz wiev there is smail, for my pc can more...
Yaya! That's my favorite of Norfolk Southern Routes number 1# man! Wow that beautiful very amazing of route (thumb up!) I can't wait when they coming out!:) Oh my bad so I sorry and please be take your time;)
To Dnutter - Lambert's point yard is done. I now work Norfolk Dontown area, and fast work beside central Norfolk yards. What this yard name?
Hi Martynas.

Your trackwork looks amazing.
I do hope that this route will be available for downloading some day.
from what i've seen so far, it looks absolutely great.

Keep up the good work, and please share some more shots soon.

Best wishes

Hi, i started new Norfolk Suothern (DEM, HOG) ruote, Norfolk (Virginia) to Suffolk (Virginia). Progress screenshots for Lamberst's point terminal area.
Empty NS topgon coal cars yards

Clasification yards

port warehuoses


yards reparier shop

West Chent Residential area wiew

Lambert's point residential area wiew

progress map area

wow -- impressive screenies:wave:
HOLY SHEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's a railroad gonna do with THAT many tracks?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :eek:

Great route, by the way! Not a big fan of the NS, but that won't stop me from liking the route!!!!! Keep it up, and can't wait to play on it!!!!!