i just uploaded a new loco, of the branson scenic railway. i tryed to upload it before, but couldn't get a thumbnail in. well, i think it worked now, but won't know for a wile.
You did a really nice job.. I did a Google search for the engine you did, and was amazed by the detail on your locomotive. Very accurate, if you ask me!
nice work, glad to see someone getting started skinning one word of advice though, if you have PSP or Photoshop you should skin some of Prj's or someone else's geeps which look much better
well, if i can find a pic of one, i'll cook up a B&P SW-7. what ever ths short line's name is its the one that runs here in Buf. NY and has the yellow and black engines. i 4get what RR it was. But i am sure i can make it...