New Layout


Always a WIP
Im working on a simple layout my kids can navigate, and have laid two tracks around the map in an oval(all addins were clockwise, from one to another). No switches yet...but the trouble im having is simply getting the train to go....any help would be appreciated.

edit: Ok I figured it out...daughter wanted two engines on the passenger train. We created a freight on the other line ad it runs great....with one engine
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For youngsters I have a purpose built layout available from the DLS entitled Littleton that may be of interest
Regards Bob V
If you want to lay track in a loop you need to have a few Signals placed around it otherwise the train will see the track ahead as occupied by another train (ITSELF) kinda like a dog chasing its tail.
If you want to lay track in a loop you need to have a few Signals placed around it otherwise the train will see the track ahead as occupied by another train (ITSELF) kinda like a dog chasing its tail.

Even if the track hasn't any switches? On another notye I found when using the concrete double track its hard to get a spline working off it...

For youngsters I have a purpose built layout available from the DLS entitled Littleton that may be of interest
Regards Bob V
TY sir Ill have a peek in the AM...
Even if the track hasn't any switches? ...

It's not looking for switches, it's looking for another train in the same block. When the Trainz driver is running the train automatically, it won't move until the train in front has passed the next signal.
Try putting 4 signals along the loop, evenly spaced. It's cool to watch the colors change.

:cool: Claude

And just for fun, you might look at my Tin-Plate Road. It's an 0-Gauge 3-rail figure 8 I did just to play.
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" I found when using the concrete double track its hard to get a spline working off it..." If you look at the various threads about Track here you"ll see that most people here advise against using Double Track except for very long lines.UK track will be oriented for left hand running and USA track for right hand running so if you choose a Track from a different country when you attach Signals to it they will be on the "wrong" side and if you place Locos on it the"ll be also facing the "wrong" way and you"ll have to turn them round....:confused: :'(
If you look at the various threads about Track here you"ll see that most people here advise against using Double Track except for very long lines.UK track will be oriented for left hand running and USA track for right hand running so if you choose a Track from a different country when you attach Signals to it they will be on the "wrong" side and if you place Locos on it the"ll be also facing the "wrong" way and you"ll have to turn them round....:confused: :'(
I have deleted all the double track and have started back with a single. We spent most of the day adding in some hills, tressles and a tunnel.
The problem with adding in the two engines was that I was turning one of them around...thus tugging at one another.
I do have a couple of ??'s. If there are tutorials, PLEASE post (I find user posts are more user friendly!)
1) How to add baseboards to a new or existing layout.
2) the tressle I use/used doesn't have any columns or supports under like some, are there some in bridges/tunnels im please?
3) the tunnel entrance...I cannot smooth the terrain out to where it will say merges (looks smooth instead of the block poking out) with the entrance of the tunnel right ( Ill post a screenie in the am as Im at work).
4) Can I add more textures to the group provded, same size and type...I havn't look yet in-game what they are yet.....
Thanks....perhaps I should have named this thread "help on request for the noob...:D "

"Koondawg" you don"t say which version of Trainz youare using, but assuming you are using TRS2006 re point 1) In Surveyor you click the top Tab "Terrain" then in the bottom left of that panel click "Advanced".Point the cursor at the edge of your layout where you want the new board to appear and click "Extend" - simple! Point 2) Dunno what type of trestle you mean? Bridges with Tracks are found in Track in Surveyor and Road Bridges are in Splines.Put "Bridge" into Search on the DLS and have a look thru the 900 or so bridges lol - you may find one you like! Point 3)These are the older type of Trainz tunnels and you CANNOT smooth the land out round them.The newer types (as used on "Hawes Junction" in TRS2006) use a Hole Punch to make them more realistic - search "Tunnel" here.Point 4 YES Go to the DLS and Search "Textures" and theres practically anything you want - of course if you download a ver scenic layout you"ll also get the Textures in that layout.
In surveyor, press F1 and open up "Advanced". Click on the button captioned "extend" and click (in the world) the direction in which u want to extend. There are bridge pillars under Trackside mode inside the Tracks tab. Search the keyword, "pylon". I'm on 2006, so I'm not so sure about the content you have.

I see lewisner has beaten me to it while I was typing with one finger; eating with the other!:hehe:
:Y: I had a memory laps when asking...yes im into TS2006. Ill put these tips to work after my shift is over...630am pst....
Spent the better part of the day in a learning curve using grades...with great success..WOOHOOOO!
Now if I could just find where that post was on adding a backdrop to the baseboard...:o
Thanks for all your all

backdrops are essentially wallpapers. A good example of a route which uses these extensively is the Tidewater line. Backdrops can be found under the Objects tab, all backdrops begin with the keyword "backdrop", so just type that in the search bar and you'll get them.
This was what I was refering to as to getting the tunnel to mesh with the mountain....

I see! That bridge is fairly impossible...:o ...The obvious answer would be to delete it and replace it with one of those Trestle bridges so common in the US or replace it by another bridge such as (I think) "EU Stone Pole" which is builtin Content for TRS2006 and is the tallest bridge available.If you search for "Username" "Gerd" on the DLS he has some stunning bridge spans but his stuff is all in German so you"ll have to get your phrasebook out...
Point 3)These are the older type of Trainz tunnels and you CANNOT smooth the land out round them.The newer types (as used on "Hawes Junction" in TRS2006) use a Hole Punch to make them more realistic - search "Tunnel" here.

What's the difference between the Auran dighole (or the AJS dighole) and the Hole Punch?

Koondawg, this is a tunnel I made because I don't like the lumpy Auran tunnels. But it took some doing, and of course some gmax experience. The grass textured area round the tunnel entrance is created in gmax. (It is too coarse, and I have fixed it since I did the screenie.) The Auran tunnels are lumpy like that to cover up the digholes (gaps in the terrain) that are ten meters square. The reason why the Auran tunnels snap to the gridlines is that if they are at an angle, the digholes become very difficult to cover up.

Mick Berg.
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I believe the difference between the AJS Dighole and the Hole Punch is that the Hole Punch is Built In Content.Some while ago I was sent a small layout with a Tunnel which had been built using Dighole and because I didn"t have the Dighole the Tunnel was blocked.
The obvious answer would be to delete it and replace it with one of those Trestle bridges so common in the US
I do believe that was one of em...just didnt have legs.

I don't like the lumpy Auran tunnels. But it took some doing, and of course some gmax experience. The grass textured area round the tunnel entrance is created in gmax.
Im no gmax whiz...still got 3dstudio5 in a zip on the D-drive and havnt used that since my online Nascar days...couldn't someone whos a bit say savy with Gmax, HINT HINT...take the Fort Knox entry from TS2006 and redo the depth? :Y: ex: stone tunnel?
