AJ: i currently have the demo and have my full copy reserved at gamestop
WileeCoyote: if you thought the german stuff was bad you must have not looked at the US stuff very well, at least the DB ICE T is pretty nice.
coerni: yes fine graphics isnt everything but it looks to be a step above MSTS in funcionality and somewhat similar to trs.
if you want a idea of the routebuilder look here
yes KRS may have bugs but if people here are arguing that as a reason not to buy i cant imagine how you bought trainz which seems to get more and more buggy with each release

oh and by the way nice station

good luck on developing your own sim, seems quite promising even if it only looks pretty right now
Red Rattler: yes i agree with that too but look at here
plenty of shots from individual users that look just as good, of course of the UK version only.
Storknest: yes KRS is basically the finished MSTS2 code
if you look at the route editor vids though it appears far easier than MSTS, looks kinda like trainz.
As for the default content, no modifications or improvements could save that SD40-2 :hehe:
And really most of the content in trs since 06 has been 3rd party, infact their was no new Auran made content in 06.
Jfarrer: TRS has had the bugs worked out?

please tell me why then the horn fades in an out, i can barely hear my engine over notch 5, why CMP crashes and has to spend a hour rebuilding the database, why surveyor crashes randomly when i undo a spline it happens not to like, sorry but the glitches have been far from worked out.
and for trs to match KRS in the graphics department it would need a total overhaul of the game engine, and the addition of a proper lighting engine trs has no shadowing for objects and i cant even use shadowing for locos withough slowing my computer down enormously, sure you can make trs more realistic than KRS but at what cost to FPS? the Auran Jet engine is horrific when it comes to FPS.