New KRS US shots!

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Thought some of you would like to see these, bout time RSDL released some shots of the US version but the wait was worth it, would be nice if auran could create something that could compete with this....
we shall have to wait and see i guess

and before any one starts nit picking things, please remember this is default content!
Alright it seems some people here need a refresher on the default trs content....
lets take a trip around USA city and country (click the pics for bigger version)

note the poorly textured track and unanimated switches, and wonderfully accurate model of a SD40-2....

more of aurans wonderful SD40, check out the hi detail crossing and block textured signal with oversize corona's

more of aurans poorly created locos and stock, with a bland uninteresting landscape behind it
road overlapping poorly made track, also note the bump in the center of the track and round rails

ok fine these locos are alright but obviously not built by auran, the route does not even mildly resemble the US, looks totally aussie

i guess this about the best the route gets, still nothing compared to the quality of the KRS default routes

there i hope that put things in perspective, not trying to start a flame war here just trying to get people to open their minds and stop rejecting KRS for no reason. KRS is in no way perfect but TRS is as bad if not worse.
KRS looks to provide a great experience out of the box with highly detailed trains objects and routes, trs reach the same level but requires hours of downloading and the best routes can often bring your comp to a halt.
so open your minds im not saying throw trs in the trash and burn the box, just have a open mind and be willing to give something new a try, you may find out you like it better.
I only asked what difference it made that it was default content. Methinks you over-reacted a tad there. Nobody is trying to 'start' anything.

And is it really relevant to compare brand new content for a brand new simulator with content originally built 6 years ago to run on a 400Mhz CPU?

Most of it seems to be a case of more 'photorealistic' textures applied to the objects and surroundings. Are the models etc. more complex in some way?
I'm a relative newcomer to this, but some of the latest freeware offerings are coming fairly close in T06, and I'm sure the payware is even better.

yes mabye i did overreact a bit but i just want to show that Kuju RS default content is better than any other sim so far. as for your statement of this being content being 6 years old that may be true but lets not forget that this was the only US content included up to TRS 2006, 2 not 6 years ago.
Classics looks a bit better (depending on the route, the trainz land modula city stuff looks great, comparable to the new sims but other routes like the Harlem line look sadly out of date.)
and yes alot of the stuff out the in trs is as good as better than the KRS stuff, but it seems KRS is getting off to a good start as a sim, just needs some time to develop just like TRS and MSTS did.
I'm not sure why you feel it is necessary to post here why you think one sim is better than another but of course you're welcome to do so. You're free to like whatever you want. By the way have you purchased this new sim?


I must admit the default stuff isn't anything special (in fact some of the German content makes me want to cry), but there is some 3rd party stuff like SPORBUST's locomotives which look just as good (if not better) than the KRS stuff. You just need to choose wisely, between what came with the game, and what looks good.


the quality of a sim is not just graphics. In this class, even KRS is well behind the top notch, which is possible in the meantime... . I don't think, the shotz are too impressive since I have seen similar or better stuff in TRS and even MSTS (look at the feather river add on).

The mein problem of KRS is the railway related part of the code. Physics are a shame, signalsystem nearly not implemented, no cant, no timetables. The funktionality of the locos is quite limited.

But OK, the producer ran out of money and development capacity, so it seems the products is the best the team could deliver... . We will see, if some servicepacks will bring some railway related functions into the programm.

BTW if you look just for graphics... .


Coernis Lightrail Sim V0.01 preAlpha

This is just a small test, to see, if I could bring some of my TRS modells into an own application. It looks quite nice, but the functionality is not really implemented yet... .
What good is it if things like that, are not functional? I get a kick out of screenshots that make one better than another. The functions and physics make the sim. I've also wondered why they keep posting that stuff here while insulting Auran's work.
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Nikos1, I have to agree with AJ_Fox, have you got KRS?

You can't really compare them, unless you've tried both (make that any) train sim, BUT then again, AJ-Fox I agree with Nikos1, that when we pay for a train-sim, no matter what train-simulator it is, default track shouldn't look "cheap", or cartoonish. This applies to MSTS, Auran, XYZ train simulator, or whatever train simulator is produced. Both MSTS & Auran have/had poor default track. It also applies to real models (I've seen some excellent, but also some poor models). A model is only as good as the work that is put into it. And the same applies to the real trains, buses, various recorders, etc.

By the way coerni, what train sim is that underground station from?

Nikos1, another thing to consider is that when a company wants customers to buy "their" train simulator (including Auran), & not a competing simulator, is that they ALWAYS show off their best looking items & best screenshots. And how do we know that they havn't altered the screenshots in some way, to make them look as good as possible?
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hey guys can we NOT turn this into another SPORBUST thread?...


SPOR WHO now?:hehe:

How about this response to the original post in this thread:

Hey, nice shots Nikos, I'm sure whoever buys that game will enjoy it.

No one is rejecting KRS without reason.
From everything I heard and seen, KRS is, in simplicity, what MSTS 2 would have been if Kuju and Microsoft still worked together. A great sim to run but problem to build routes in. Pretty much the same comparison that existed between Trainz and MSTS.
I chose Trainz for several reasons, including the fact that it offered some prototype abilities but also a way to run model railroads without physical space. I also only have enough budget and time for one rail sim so this one is what I use. I don't have all the time and money like I did years ago to try every computer program on the market.

As for default content, the current state of Trainz content is, in my opinion, due to 2 reasons.
1 - Auran gives you a way to modify it but it costs money.
2 - Those who have fiddled with it usually went on to make their own rather than improve it.
There have been people who have modified the default content, if DLS was up I could point it out. There have been attempts to get others involved in this but it was never taken seriously. And not everyone has the same standards or can run the same content. Every TRS has included some third party creations but with limited staff, the items complained about will always be behind the power curve.
From seeing what is available on the Content CDs, it would take a joint effort of a small group with the skills required organized properly so you don't have 2+ people doing the same thing and Auran supporting them to improve the default items (except the bump in the track, that appears to be from program coding). At this point in time, I figure Auran should offer the default stuff for free at least to a small group willing to put serious effort and having the required skills to improve it. And if you try to improve it, you have to realize you cannot use the same standards used when you make something on your own.

Personally, if Auran was able to have that and change a couple of things about how Classics was presented, I think it would improve the market and community. Complaining about default content is wasteful given the lack of any joint effort between Auran and the community (that would take some serious planning before execution). I consider it a lot like a board game company I know of that has about the same number of staff, at one point they enlisted a limited amount of help in making and improving products in exchange not for money but for free sometimes with certain little bonuses.
I think you have to look to the future too. It seems that TRS6 has the capability to match KRS in the graphics dept. at the moment, but the engine used for T6 is older. This is an advantage in that most of the bugs have been worked out, service packs have been added, etc. KRS is new. I don't know how many millions of lines of code are in the actual program, but you can't write a thousand word letter without making a few spelling mistakes along the way. I think we'll find that a few updates and a service pack or two and customer contribution will solve most of the complaints that the new users are worried about. If not, it will self destruct due to lack of useabilty.
TRS would have done the same without the millions of hours of work contributed by the people here and elsewhere in support. And despite some company setbacks, there's no reason that Auran can't get the bit back in their teeth and design a new version of TRS. They have the advantage of knowing and learning from past problems, and 3D engines are a dime a dozen nowadays. :)
AJ: i currently have the demo and have my full copy reserved at gamestop
WileeCoyote: if you thought the german stuff was bad you must have not looked at the US stuff very well, at least the DB ICE T is pretty nice.
coerni: yes fine graphics isnt everything but it looks to be a step above MSTS in funcionality and somewhat similar to trs.
if you want a idea of the routebuilder look here
yes KRS may have bugs but if people here are arguing that as a reason not to buy i cant imagine how you bought trainz which seems to get more and more buggy with each release:o
oh and by the way nice station:) good luck on developing your own sim, seems quite promising even if it only looks pretty right now
Red Rattler: yes i agree with that too but look at here
plenty of shots from individual users that look just as good, of course of the UK version only.
Storknest: yes KRS is basically the finished MSTS2 code
if you look at the route editor vids though it appears far easier than MSTS, looks kinda like trainz.
As for the default content, no modifications or improvements could save that SD40-2 :hehe:
And really most of the content in trs since 06 has been 3rd party, infact their was no new Auran made content in 06.
Jfarrer: TRS has had the bugs worked out? :eek:
please tell me why then the horn fades in an out, i can barely hear my engine over notch 5, why CMP crashes and has to spend a hour rebuilding the database, why surveyor crashes randomly when i undo a spline it happens not to like, sorry but the glitches have been far from worked out.
and for trs to match KRS in the graphics department it would need a total overhaul of the game engine, and the addition of a proper lighting engine trs has no shadowing for objects and i cant even use shadowing for locos withough slowing my computer down enormously, sure you can make trs more realistic than KRS but at what cost to FPS? the Auran Jet engine is horrific when it comes to FPS.
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