New guy here saying hello


Signaling Guru
Hello to all!:wave:

I just got Trainz as a Christmas gift and so far it is the coolest simulator I have ever come across. I am still reading the manual to figure out the basics, but I look forward to learning enough to understand most of what you guys are posting on here!

Are many of the members here in the industry? I work for a signaling company designing mostly wayside electronics although I have done some carborne work as well. I told a few guys at the office about this simulator and they all thought it was a pretty neat idea. Maybe I'll get one or two of them on here as well.

Anyway...was just introducing myself. Hope to get to know a few of you.:)

Welcome, to the wonderful world of Trainz. Enjoy your stay. :wave: If you need any help just ask. :wave:

Hello to all!:wave:

I just got Trainz as a Christmas gift and so far it is the coolest simulator I have ever come across. I am still reading the manual to figure out the basics, but I look forward to learning enough to understand most of what you guys are posting on here!

Are many of the members here in the industry? I work for a signaling company designing mostly wayside electronics although I have done some carborne work as well. I told a few guys at the office about this simulator and they all thought it was a pretty neat idea. Maybe I'll get one or two of them on here as well.

Anyway...was just introducing myself. Hope to get to know a few of you.:)


Gudday Adam,

Welcome to the Trainz community.

Most of us are enthusiasts/hobbyists.

There are a number of serving and ex-railway employees, from just about any Nation you care mention.

They are a freindly bunch as well.:D

Was just wondering which version of Trainz you have?

As Lo_Poly just mentioned, you can obtain help here on this forum for just about anything concerning the hobby. For the more technical Questions it sometimes takes a little while too get an answer. That is because we are away "Busy enjoying the hobby".:D

All the best mate, and enjoy your stay.

Welcome..welcome..welcome. It's always good to have a new trainzer. Have fun and we'll be glad to answer any questions if we can.
Welcome to the forum. As the others before me have said, and something I will re-iterate here, we are here to help, so if you have any problems, or any queries, just ask away and we will help you as much as we can.

Welcome aboard Adam. You could add your version and build number to your sig, which often helps a person trying to give assistance. I haven't done that because, well....I have them all.
Was just wondering which version of Trainz you have?
I am not 100% sure what you are asking. The packaging for the game is title Trainz Railways, but I do not see any version information.

How do i decipher my version and build number?
yes welcome, hope you enjoy your expirience with trainz, and as said before, most of the guys around here are friendly, and willing to help.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Trainz. your trainz version is what trainz you bought. (PreSP3, UTC, TRS2004, 2006, TC) your version contains both 06 and TC FYI. your build number is found in the lower corner of the screen when you launch trainz.

Welcome to the wonderful World of Trainz, Adam. I don't visit the Forum as much as I used to, but I still enjoy my Trainz, and run it regularly.
Just one word of warning, prepare to give up any social life, friends, and any other hobbies, (at least for the forseeable future). You will find Trainz VERY addictive. Great Fun, though. Have a Great Xmas.:D
Trying not to make it sound like some ruddy cheap commercial

Welcome to the wonderful (and weird) world of Trainz, anything like visiting relatives and social activities will soon find themselves shoved off by this program. So I hope you don't have many:p:hehe: If ever you have any questions just ask, we'll gladly andswer them.

Welcoma Andy

You will find (as has been said already) Trainz is VERY addictive, but do spend time with others in your life, and above all enjoy, And have a Happy Holiday with Trainz !!!
Welcome to Trainz! One of the most versatile sims in the world that also has a very solid community. A somewhat sensitive and demanding program with tips and tricks to learn for it to run well. When it does - it's very rewarding for those who like railroads, and the manual is a good place to start learning. Be prepared for addiction and many hours at your computer.

Happy Trainzing and Merry Christmas!
A Christmas welcome to you Adam, I would concur with everything said so far, there is an army of Trainzers around the world, all willing to chip in with their Trainz knowledge, so don't be shy with your questions if you have a query with anything.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave: