New Australian Layout.

That looks good so far. How many baseboards did you use?
Also, if you're not including a session in the pack, don't forget to delete the traincars and use "delete missing assets" before you package the route. It will try to download the traincars if you don't, which makes the download that much longer.

:cool: Claude
That looks good so far. How many baseboards did you use?
Also, if you're not including a session in the pack, don't forget to delete the traincars and use "delete missing assets" before you package the route. It will try to download the traincars if you don't, which makes the download that much longer.

:cool: Claude

So far it is only on 1 baseboard, because this is my first layout, I wanted to make it simple, and more concentrated on CAB Control driving, rather than big yards and masses of track.

There is lots of height variation on this layout, and 4 passenger stations.

To make it simple, there is a maximum of only 2 trains able to run this line at the same time (unless they all run the same direction, then you could have about 6).

I will release 2 versions of this layout, maybe 3.

Ver1 will be just the 1 simple baseboard.

Ver2 will be Ver1, but with extra baseboards surrounding to give 'endless scenery'

Ver3 will be Ver2 with mini branchlines venturing out into the extra baseboards to intrustries.