S sdpnz New member Feb 9, 2008 #1 The loco & tender are not showing in railyard loco is k-36 #485 42955:50015 :50013 :50014 :51004 :53001 :54001 :55002 tender 42955:50016 :55004 I can not find these at all any help would be nice thank you and have a nice day.
The loco & tender are not showing in railyard loco is k-36 #485 42955:50015 :50013 :50014 :51004 :53001 :54001 :55002 tender 42955:50016 :55004 I can not find these at all any help would be nice thank you and have a nice day.
B bird_d00 Broad Gauge Society TDO Feb 10, 2008 #2 Hi I take it you mean 43955 and not 42995. Have you downloaded the 3 items at the top of the section ? K-36 general parts.cdp K36cabin.cdp K-36 Engine Spec Without these the loco will not work. Also have you the latest versions of these files. Todd updated them several times when they first came out. Dave Bird
Hi I take it you mean 43955 and not 42995. Have you downloaded the 3 items at the top of the section ? K-36 general parts.cdp K36cabin.cdp K-36 Engine Spec Without these the loco will not work. Also have you the latest versions of these files. Todd updated them several times when they first came out. Dave Bird
S sdpnz New member Feb 11, 2008 #3 To bird_d00 Where can I get the missing parts from please I have no idea where to look.
S skol587 hey all I'm back Feb 11, 2008 #4 http://www.steammachine.com/prowler/ there in there some were
S sdpnz New member Feb 11, 2008 #5 Big thank you Found most of them But not these three kuid: 42955:50015 43955:51004 43955:55002 Come up as missing in cmp
Big thank you Found most of them But not these three kuid: 42955:50015 43955:51004 43955:55002 Come up as missing in cmp
B bird_d00 Broad Gauge Society TDO Feb 11, 2008 #6 43955:50015 - K-36 Trailing truck 43955:51004 - K36 Engine 43955:55002 - K-37 Interior Those should be in the General parts CDP Dave Bird
43955:50015 - K-36 Trailing truck 43955:51004 - K36 Engine 43955:55002 - K-37 Interior Those should be in the General parts CDP Dave Bird
P Prowler901 The Silver San Juan Feb 11, 2008 #7 At the top of the list of K-36 Steam Power are three cdp's (general parts, cabin, and engine spec). You need to download each of them. Regards, Todd
At the top of the list of K-36 Steam Power are three cdp's (general parts, cabin, and engine spec). You need to download each of them. Regards, Todd
S sdpnz New member Feb 16, 2008 #8 Big thank you For all the help I now have the missing kuids. Sorry I took so long looking I have not been able too look for two days. As my internet con' was down.
Big thank you For all the help I now have the missing kuids. Sorry I took so long looking I have not been able too look for two days. As my internet con' was down.
N nicky9499 SSoTW Bot Feb 16, 2008 #9 I may sound like an idiot here, but are these narrow gauge? If so, is it 36 inch or some other gauge?
I may sound like an idiot here, but are these narrow gauge? If so, is it 36 inch or some other gauge?
P PendennisCastle Steam Fan Oct 1, 2015 #12 I am missing kuid:43955:51004 ,it comes up unknown and it isn't the K36 Engine spec, it still says it is missing the same dependencie, please reply, thanks.
I am missing kuid:43955:51004 ,it comes up unknown and it isn't the K36 Engine spec, it still says it is missing the same dependencie, please reply, thanks.
C chris2001trainz2010 C2K Oct 1, 2015 #13 1. You probably shouldn't bump threads this old. 2. It is the enginespec. You can find it on this page. 3. Next time, TrainzKUIDIndex is a great place to look for missing assets. You can visit the site here. You'll have to sign up (for free) first. Happy searching! :wave:
1. You probably shouldn't bump threads this old. 2. It is the enginespec. You can find it on this page. 3. Next time, TrainzKUIDIndex is a great place to look for missing assets. You can visit the site here. You'll have to sign up (for free) first. Happy searching! :wave: