Need a loaded gondola


Still plays with Trainz
I need a loaded gondola for a scenario I am creating for TRS 2004. I have done the search thing on the DLS and came up with a couple of gons that don't seem to work with my 2004 setup. I'd like something with scrap in it. Maybe I have missed a key word in my search. Can anybody direct me to a godola loaded with scrap that works on 2004?
I need a loaded gondola for a scenario I am creating for TRS 2004. I have done the search thing on the DLS and came up with a couple of gons that don't seem to work with my 2004 setup. I'd like something with scrap in it. Maybe I have missed a key word in my search. Can anybody direct me to a godola loaded with scrap that works on 2004?

Alberte (Zatovisualworks) has made some scrap gondolas, this one is his loaded version, it might fit the bill.

Wiley :)
Try Searching DLS 52' Mill Gondola

Try Searching DLS 52' Mill Gondola. :) There is a nice selection. One thing you do have to do is in surveyor place the rail car on a track and then hit the "?" button in the rollingstock menu point at the gondola and a list of products the car can carry will show up. Click on the scrap product and set load load to max. Example: if the car carrys 68,000 Kg set to 68,000 and the car will fill up with scrap. Don't like the look. Go to DLS and under products search for scrap. I have at least three different types of scrap.

btw I have TRS2004 too.:cool:
Problem is, I just discovered, your suggestion works great for sessions but not for the sceanrios I create and upload. But, thanks again anyway. I'm still looking for a loaded gondola:'(