Trainz 2012, I use this a lot as it has Kiwi (which I am) locos and a great addon Murchison 2. This is brilliant and captures the steam days of New Zealand down to a tee , especially the upper south island. Shock horror when you leave Murchison and end up at the Rangipo prison farm or Kimbolton.
T:ANE Much improved graphics and some nice engines C&O 2-8-4 nice cab interior and detail;ed exterior. I have found most of the kiwi locos from 2012 will run on it except the DL Chinese diesel electric. cant wait for an updated Murchison and locos.
Train simulator 2016, the ultimate for realisim but no Aussie or Kiwi routes. bought the FEF 4-8-4 loco from smokebox , wow such detail every knob and switch works . unreal physics a real handful to drive stunning .
T:ANE Much improved graphics and some nice engines C&O 2-8-4 nice cab interior and detail;ed exterior. I have found most of the kiwi locos from 2012 will run on it except the DL Chinese diesel electric. cant wait for an updated Murchison and locos.
Train simulator 2016, the ultimate for realisim but no Aussie or Kiwi routes. bought the FEF 4-8-4 loco from smokebox , wow such detail every knob and switch works . unreal physics a real handful to drive stunning .