My Railroad "Glogowice"


New member
Hello, I'm from Poland and I'm study English. I'm 13
There are screens of my Polish railroad "Glogowice"
Polish diesel locomotive SM42 with electric Locomotive EN57 in station "Glogowice"

We have green signal :)

Polish car "fiat 126p"

Lake "cyplany"

Railroad crossing in country "Orzechow"

Country "Orzechow"

Regards :)
It looks very nice and typically European, Poland for shure. Almost picturesque I would say.

Only negative I can think of - it's a bit too tidy and clean compared to real life, there should be more clutter and dirt around. Belive me, I make the same mistake, my routes come out too clean.

I like it very much. Being a big fan of the PKP myself. Didn't know that the EN-57, or EN-71 were ever diesel hauled though. That's rather interesting in itself. I'm monkeying around with a small (non prototypical) Polish route myself, but it won't be uploaded for a handful of reasons. The primary one being I'm just using it to test some ideas.
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