my model trainz


Trainz operator
Edit:Please could you answer these questions I am curious?

I have got a DCC HO/OO gauge train set and I am having some trouble making a 4 aspect automatic signal and it is finding a piece of wire that would be thin enough to not make the pole look fat.

I would like the trains to stop at a red light but they seem to just ignore it and I can't separate out the track for 2 reasons:

(1)I have got Dcc power and the manual for it says that all of the track has to be electrified at the same time.

(2)I would have to do it one at a time so I would be rushing around the whole train set trying to keep my trains from crashing into each other.

and one other question:I've got a zero 1 micromimic display console but i don't know how to make it all work can somebody post a link to a manual or something?
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What's a reference? And I really never looked that site because there wasn't any description of the products.

There was one question which has been buging me sense I got the zero 1 DCC unit.

Please could you answer this?: Why did hornby stop selling it?
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I've got an old problem that I had forgotten until now:

I am designing a road for my H(ongwell) cars which are oo/ho gauge but I can't think of how to make the cars move along the road and go in different directions when they arrive at an intersection.

Oh yeah I nearly forgot i have pictures on here of what they look like.

Please can you help me? I'm curious
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I've got an old problem that I had forgotten until now:

I am designing a road for my H(ongwell) cars which are oo/ho gauge but I can't think of how to make the cars move along the road and go in different directions when they arrive at an intersection.

Oh yeah I nearly forgot i have pictures on here of what they look like.

Please can you help me?
the only model rr company I know of that makes moving cars is Faller

look for all car system stuff
Wow I would never thought of using magnets underneath the road.

So how did you find this?

I wonder how you would fit magnets underneath my H cars because of the low ground clearance and interior.

Thanks for that info.:D

Edit:I did some searching and found a way of gathering all of the Car systems together.
Heres the result of my search the reason I had posted this is because other people might need to do the same thing.

Once again thanks
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I found out about this because I got a small Walthers magazine every month. I was looking through it when I found a car system bus.

To get your H cars to move I think you would need to take off the bottom of the car and wheels, buy a small motor and hook it up to the wheels, then add a magnet to it. You might want to tint the windows so no one can see the motor.
hmm maybe but i've heard it on a cop and robber program that you can't tint the drivers windows because you can't hardly see out.but i think that I could bend the rules slightly.

P.S. this is the most fun I have had in the last couple of days
I wonder if there was a shop that sells those road parts a little closer to home. Too far to drive.
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Wow these guys have everything that I would need to make every road as realistic as it gets.

thanks really appreciate it.:D:wave:
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well i think that that question is fully answered

Hey thanks for helping me out. really appreciate it.

How about answering the other questions.:D you can't stop curiosity
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Well, I get the walthers magazine too and if you want to move your cars,
i dont know if it was proto 1000, 2000, life-like,or walthers has introduced one for passenger cars for DCC. Athearn also has a small motor kit you could install. the motor should fit a car the size of a S-1 but its for DC and you'd need an N-scale decoder from digitrtax. look on walthers website.
got another question...

I've got a question about attaching tail lights onto something like this.

I am curious as to The wheels are made of plastic (which doesn't conduct electricity).

I am also curious as to where do I get a tiny tail light and I need to know how to make the wires not noticeable.

I would also would like to know how to turn the light off when I am not using it.

I also would like to know how to get trains to stop at a red light.
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