My mind has gone blank yet again......


Happy with the one Star >
I'm having another one of my mad moments again. I'm trying to lay some track that starts in 6mtr deep cutting and slowly rises to 0mtrs over approx 1 mile.

But I keep doing something wrong, and I can't figure out what.

I've used the 'Smooth Spline' tool, but the track drops to by 0.20mtrs at the cutting end of the gradiant. Just for the first 20mtrs only, and then it starts to rise as you would expect.

I'm going completely mad....and just cant figure out what I'm doing wrong!

I certainly don't remember this a happening before!

Anybody feel like pointing out the obvious to me please

Erm not totally sure that I understand what you are syaing but as a bit of a stab in the dark have you set the height of the spline point?

If theres a Spline Point (yellow) close to the top of the Cutting/Gradient and the Spline Points after that are set to the same height (i.e. they are "level") then the first bit of Track in the cutting will try to stay level otherwise you have an abrupt change of gradient.Think of it like bending a school ruler - it will try to stay Level...;)