my first route

i've started making a route for trainz it's fictional. it is a bit random it uses uk trains and the vsr (virtual southern region) signals.


heres a shot of one of the yards at night. so far this is the only part of the route thats complete.
heres some more shots

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Good Start! I'm only trying to start releasing some of my routes(bangs head on wall). One tip.... in the Track section, there is a button near the bottom of that tab, its the track/spline straightener. This is a very useful tool to make nice curves. It ALSO works on splines. That is another useful thing. Keep going! I'm excited to see more. Don't give up either......

have fixed track and nearly finished route (for now) have changed the class 37's to a hst class 43 and got rid of the green class 66 and freight cars. also used some semphore (i think thats it) signals.