My apology for my stupid actions.


FVRR member
As some may have noticed I was less then friendly in the F59PHI thread made by Isaacg. And I deeply regret my actions. I have been going through some rough times with my dad. (I'm sure GP 38-2 will throw a fit because my personal life came to the forum) But we had a huge fight the day the fighting started,and had a lot of built up anger. And I let it out the completely wrong place. And when I'm mad and get that upset,I just lose a lot of control. and don't really pay attention to what I am doing,until after the fact when I get in more trouble.
So in short,I hope that I will be forgiven,if I am not I will understand your decision.
It would be nice to see other people involved that also acted less then friendly to apologize for there actions to. But Mainly I would just like all the return to peace and all tensions to cease.
Hey man no worries.

Just another life lesson though: And seriously take this one to heart. Despite what anger you may have built up, it's better to go vent someplace else in private than to bring it into a public situation. Punch a pillow or something, anything than shouting out in anger at someone else.

Part of growing up is learning to deal with stress and dealing with it correctly.
Hey man no worries.

Just another life lesson though: And seriously take this one to heart. Despite what anger you may have built up, it's better to go vent someplace else in private than to bring it into a public situation. Punch a pillow or something, anything than shouting out in anger at someone else.

Part of growing up is learning to deal with stress and dealing with it correctly.

That one I have always known and will always remember. I would have punched something,except my room has a lot of things in it that are a wee bit more than 300 dollars each. I think it may be time to tape a pillow to the wall or something:hehe: :o ;)
Thank you all for understanding my situation.
And on a better note I took the time while no one was talking to each other. To get a lot of work done on my projects for trainz. I guess thats the only upside:o