My AI Train Drivers Are On Strike!


New member
I've set my AI drivers to run their routes but they all report that they can't do so. I'm using RS2004. I've checked all switches and signals. All show we're good to go. Then when I set the orders I get warnings from each driver telling me 1) Can't find path to destination, or 2) Waiting for track clearance (when there are no trains running at all or blocking any other train) and 3) One train driver just sits and does nothing for no reason whatsoever. No warnings - nothing. He just won't drive the damn train.

I've just about run out of ideas. What do I have to do to make my drivers drive? Any ideas to help solve this dilemma would be VERY appreciated!!!
See if you have any broken tracks somewhere on your route. I check this by sending a train with the "drive to..." command to the closest station. If this works, I continue to send the train further and further down the track until it refuses to drive on. Usually near a broken track or whatever.

Broken tracks happen sometimes when adding on another route or copying and pasting a section.

Waiting for track clearance could also be one of your A1 trains interfering with another, place them all on sidings and see what happens.


can't find path sometimes means there is a lever missing at a junction.
sometimes it means a spine is not corrected properly. I usually drive the train myself till I get to the broken place and then I know what is wrong.
Have to admit that it is funny. Normally they just go were you don't want then to but this is a new twist. (to me anyway)

Please try the suggestions mad already, (including the pay raise:hehe:) and let us know how it turns out.

Have to admit that it is funny. Normally they just go were you don't want then to but this is a new twist. (to me anyway)

Please try the suggestions mad already, (including the pay raise:hehe:) and let us know how it turns out.


Maybe the trick is to tell them to go where you don't want them to go and they will end up where you do want them to end up :hehe:
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This sounds like some of your levers may be the wrong side of the junction (after the Y instead of the base). They will still appear to be OK when you look at them with the green & red arrows. It could also be that you have a lever placed that has no junction to control so remains red. these are harder to find. No path means a broken track, more often than not it will be at an industry or other fixed type track like mocrossings. Waiting for clearance you are to near the junction to start with for the consist to change the first lever like in a yard or another train has set its path first and controls the lever. Suggest you select a consist and use the stop train and see if it lets the lever go. if not select continue and select another consist and try again. the engine that just sits still, try putting it somewhere different to see what happens.
Thanks for your help everyone! I'll give these ideas a whirl. If they don't, I guess a pay raise is all I have left!