Murchison Confusion

Hello, all.

Well, i recently installed the Murchison layout from SimCentral and soon after, realized that Ben Neal's heavy 2-8-2 (with a high headlight) and his light 2-8-2 were now built-in assets. Now, i'd be okay with this, if it weren't for the fact that, for a moment, i could no longer access the texture files for the locos and their tenders. Then i figured it out (i thought) and re-installed the .cdp for the heavy mikes. Now, everything was fine, i thought i'd saved the engine, only to be greeted with this:

Error: Not authorized to commit changes to asset <kuid:96914:4880>

Really? This is stupid. It really is. I can no longer use the texture files for the engine now, as they've been replaced with .texture files! So here's my two questions:

1. How the heck can i fix this?
2. Who's dumb idea was it to put these assets in the Murchison pack and replace perfectly-downloadable assets with built-in errors and files? I'd like to meet this person and give them a piece of my mind.

Sorry if i sound aggravated, but that's because i am.

Revert your engine to original, which will fix your errors. .texture files are the compressed file format used by Trainz in any version. PM2IM from PEVs Tools will let you open these up, however, with built-in assets it can degrade the quality of the textures.

The DRM requirements now for assets that have been included into payware routes has been a touchy subject here in the community. At one point in the past, N3V said they will look into a different policy and setup regarding this. At this point and time, I would wait until things settle down before bringing this subject up again due to the release of the new program and all the noise that generates. Our squawking about the content will be nothing more than a squeak no louder than that from a baby mouse.

The errors aren't the issue. Those i can fix. The issue is that i can no longer access the actual .tga files from the original locomotive.

I understand and correctly so because the DRM'd version is superseding the one you are downloading, so you can't do anything with the model. It's very frustrating!

N3V, i hope to god you're reading this.

Afraid we exhausted this subject back when TS12 SP1 appeared :(

Meanwhile have you got a pre SP1 copy of Trainz? In which case install the loco to that, open for edit, up-version it to a kuid2:xxxx:xxxx:1 then import the folder into TS12 SP1 and it will obsolete the builtin.