New member
Dear Fellow Trainzers and friends, Since joining this community its been a lot of fun and seeing what everyone has to contribute, whether a screenshot to an engine, to a whistle, is just another sign of an advancing day in trainz. How ever, I joined for a reason, I grew up in New York city just above the Hudson line where it splits off, the Hudson line in going east and the Manhattan west side line on...well the west side, Watching the trains go by as a kid amazed me. I wanted to know all about them, I wanted to know about the tracks and about the trains and the history of those tracks and trains. I studied like a mad dog about these trains and the railroads, the abandoned lines. It was my dream to be able to have it all on my computer, and eventually one day work for these railroads. I’m the type of person that believes, nothing is impossible, and there’s a way for everything...gmax was that way for everything. I started content creating a while ago, I started because I wanted to recreate the Tri-rail roster, how ever a couple of hurricanes came by and unfortunately a lot of my work was lost. Since then for 2 years I have been content creating running into obstacles, most stupid ones such as loosing files because I didn’t back them up, having a hard drive head error, and literally having my laptop smoke up in front of me, Which has forced me to redo everything over and over and over again, how ever this has only helped me, by redoing my content over I fixed what looked bad last time, and I applied new and easier techniques to make it poly efficient, smooth and good looking. For those who looked forward to me releasing my stuff I am truly sorry and I will eventually one day get all my stuff out whether it’s for TRS06, MSTS X or any future railroad simulators available. How ever in my experience as a content creator for this particular forum, I've noticed a custom that everyone has taken too.
If one man creates a wheel for trainz, the next man can’t.
That really annoys me. Just because Person ex created a wheel doesn’t mean I cant make one also, maybe mines is low poly, maybe mines is high poly, maybe mines is more accurate, or has more features, maybe mines is better or more efficient.
Maybe Mines is Different
I would like for someone to name to locomotives in the united states that look completely and exactly down to the atomic level, like each other.
And if this is a simulator shouldn’t we simulate also the variety of engines and locos just as their is in the real world, so that when we are running the super chief, each F7A, B doesn’t look exactly like each other?
So I leave you all with this, this idea that everyone has needs to end. Otherwise you will be loosing great content creators, and I am not saying I am great but I might be leaving to because this upsets me and I don’t need to make anything for anyone, I do this for myself because of the dream I had and my ambition to make sure that dream comes true.
If one man creates a wheel for trainz, the next man can’t.
That really annoys me. Just because Person ex created a wheel doesn’t mean I cant make one also, maybe mines is low poly, maybe mines is high poly, maybe mines is more accurate, or has more features, maybe mines is better or more efficient.
Maybe Mines is Different
I would like for someone to name to locomotives in the united states that look completely and exactly down to the atomic level, like each other.
And if this is a simulator shouldn’t we simulate also the variety of engines and locos just as their is in the real world, so that when we are running the super chief, each F7A, B doesn’t look exactly like each other?
So I leave you all with this, this idea that everyone has needs to end. Otherwise you will be loosing great content creators, and I am not saying I am great but I might be leaving to because this upsets me and I don’t need to make anything for anyone, I do this for myself because of the dream I had and my ambition to make sure that dream comes true.
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