Multiple Creators Duplicating Content -Why Not? (was This is REALY annoying me.)

Dear Fellow Trainzers and friends, Since joining this community its been a lot of fun and seeing what everyone has to contribute, whether a screenshot to an engine, to a whistle, is just another sign of an advancing day in trainz. How ever, I joined for a reason, I grew up in New York city just above the Hudson line where it splits off, the Hudson line in going east and the Manhattan west side line on...well the west side, Watching the trains go by as a kid amazed me. I wanted to know all about them, I wanted to know about the tracks and about the trains and the history of those tracks and trains. I studied like a mad dog about these trains and the railroads, the abandoned lines. It was my dream to be able to have it all on my computer, and eventually one day work for these railroads. I’m the type of person that believes, nothing is impossible, and there’s a way for everything...gmax was that way for everything. I started content creating a while ago, I started because I wanted to recreate the Tri-rail roster, how ever a couple of hurricanes came by and unfortunately a lot of my work was lost. Since then for 2 years I have been content creating running into obstacles, most stupid ones such as loosing files because I didn’t back them up, having a hard drive head error, and literally having my laptop smoke up in front of me, Which has forced me to redo everything over and over and over again, how ever this has only helped me, by redoing my content over I fixed what looked bad last time, and I applied new and easier techniques to make it poly efficient, smooth and good looking. For those who looked forward to me releasing my stuff I am truly sorry and I will eventually one day get all my stuff out whether it’s for TRS06, MSTS X or any future railroad simulators available. How ever in my experience as a content creator for this particular forum, I've noticed a custom that everyone has taken too.

If one man creates a wheel for trainz, the next man can’t.

That really annoys me. Just because Person ex created a wheel doesn’t mean I cant make one also, maybe mines is low poly, maybe mines is high poly, maybe mines is more accurate, or has more features, maybe mines is better or more efficient.

Maybe Mines is Different

I would like for someone to name to locomotives in the united states that look completely and exactly down to the atomic level, like each other.

And if this is a simulator shouldn’t we simulate also the variety of engines and locos just as their is in the real world, so that when we are running the super chief, each F7A, B doesn’t look exactly like each other?

So I leave you all with this, this idea that everyone has needs to end. Otherwise you will be loosing great content creators, and I am not saying I am great but I might be leaving to because this upsets me and I don’t need to make anything for anyone, I do this for myself because of the dream I had and my ambition to make sure that dream comes true.
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Amen brotha...

Do what YOU want to do, not what the rest of the community says you SHOULD do.

This is a hobby and not a business for us. We do what makes us happy and if its the same thing someone else made, fine.

Variety is good in this hobby. The more stuff floating around the better !!!

Keep up the great work man!
I understand what you're saying and there has been some limited comments such as those that you're referring to, but I don't believe that the sentiment you're suggesting is widely held in this community. I appreciate as many 'wheels' out there as anyone wants to put up on the DLS. Variety is the spice of life. Don't get discouraged by a few who happen to have their creative blinders on.
What Kev said :)

Hang in there frm - the blues will pass, and there is always room in Trainz for another anything.

Andy :)
Many incedents where I have been told I couldnt do something or that I was wasting my time because it has already been made, on the forum, in PM and on the IRC Chat room.
I Don't Understand........

I Don't Understand.....

The content of trainz gets bigger every day with better and better content. I am a route builder and spend most of my time in trainz building routes. I too had computer crashes and upgrades that have resulted in starting over from scratch which has resulted in much better routes. I currently have 3 versions of the same route that I have been working on. Each one looks and feels better the the prior one. I would like to take credit for each route looking better but really its the improvement of the content that makes the route look better. So I have to give credit to the content creators. I am under the impression that most content creators excluding the payware ones would give permission to improve their content as long as they are given credit for their work which is fair.

Please correct my impression if this is not the case.:o
I Don't Understand.....

The content of trainz gets bigger every day with better and better content. I am a route builder and spend most of my time in trainz building routes. I too had computer crashes and upgrades that have resulted in starting over from scratch which has resulted in much better routes. I currently have 3 versions of the same route that I have been working on. Each one looks and feels better the the prior one. I would like to take credit for each route looking better but really its the improvement of the content that makes the route look better. So I have to give credit to the content creators. I am under the impression that most content creators excluding the payware ones would give permission to improve their content as long as they are given credit for their work which is fair.

Please correct my impression if this is not the case.:o

That isnt so much the case as other content creators seem to shun those who create the same content they do. I would feel better making my own model then modifying someone elses
I think what he means is that if someone made locomotive x, and it was crappy, someone else can go and make another version of locomotive x which is better. I don't think you should be constricted by what has already been done, (especially if what's been done is payware and you intend your version to be freeware) that's why we have improved SD40 and GP38-2 models from Auran's.
I would feel better making my own model then modifying someone elses
Do you mean "than" modifying someone else's?

Then do so. There is absolutely no reason why you can't. There are no rules here that say you cannot make content just because somebody else has. Yours may be better or not as good, however that is no reason not to contribute freely. It would be a sad day when communities decreed how and why only certain people may contribute to the content pool - a pool they do not control in the first place.

Go ahead, frm, and make those models you want to make and along the way you may encourage others to try the same and unlock hidden talents they never knew they had.


20 Computer Crashs.

33 TRS2006 Reinstalls

This is my 15th Computer and it's on the chopping block

I've spent over $5,000 fixing my 4 out of 15 Computers and that was a waste becuase they crashed.

I've redone a Train 88 times and counting.

I got MSTS and now it's in the dust behind my T.v.

I've spent $3,000,000 for this **** and it's not fair.

But what the hey i'm worth it. :)

And you think you have it bad... Oh Brother.
As leeferr said earlier, I don't think this is a widespread thing. In fact for UK stock we even have a list of who's doing what, in which there are are quite a few instances where the name of a loco or unit will be repeated a number of times with a different username next to each. The first one released isn't always the best, but then again it might be. It's all down to individual tastes and it's the end user's choice which one to use.

I can think of a perfect recent example where two people made the same diesel locomotive. When I'm modelling that specific period I'll always use both as they look slightly different. Same as I'll mix freeware and payware versions of the same loco.

It all adds to the variety and that certainly isn't a bad thing :)

Well said Lance. We should never forget that we are doing this for fun. If you feel like making something that someone else already make there is no reason you can't.There is always small details that I would like to see on differant content and the only way you could sometimes get it done is to do it your self. Why do you think I'm making the things I am.

Many incedents where I have been told I couldnt do something or that I was wasting my time because it has already been made, on the forum, in PM and on the IRC Chat room.

Hey floridarailmaster, don't get annoyed, GET EVEN. Live your dream, enjoy yourself and I'm positive that many people will download your creations, whatever they may be, and for people telling you that you cannot do something or your wasting YOUR time, tell them to take a hike, they're probably just jealous 'cos they haven't got your talent and inspiration.

Cheers. ex-railwayman.
In times of trouble, there is only one solution,


Floridarailmaster, this is what message you need. You are a part of one of the most elite content creation sites in the country,

the following can put you down:
PC Crashes
Power Outages
gMax & Trainz Crashes

but, there is only one solution to this problem,

