Multi-track underground station


Well-known member
I'm searching for this and can't find it I thought I saw one a little while ago such as a 4 or 6 track subway station. I thought it was one by Compudoc but those are two track. Can anyone help?
I think I haven't scene them. What kind of subway are you looking for? I would suggest Magiclands Subway kit, it takes a while to make a station but they look really nice.
If you need help with them if you download them just drop me a line throught the forums.
I still suggest trying Magicland's subway pack on the DLS and just change the kind of track you might still have a third rail but better than nothing. Looks some what similair.
I think one of Compudoc's stations is 4 track. Also Andi06's station kit can be configured for as many platforms underground as you like.

I could have swore I saw one that was a one piece multi-track and the picture looked like a overhead angled view of the station. Maybe I'm wrong. I want to make a station like this for commuter trains

Search for substation by jeffmorris on the DLS, your description of the picture fits. The kuid of one of them is [FONT=Verdana, Arial]44558:23230:3

The Jeffmorris stations are trackside objects that clip to the track like signals or speed signs. This is fine if you don't want them to be passenger equipped, but if you want passengers you need to use the AJS stations and add the Jeffmorris stations to that.

:cool: Claude
I'm searching for this and can't find it I thought I saw one a little while ago such as a 4 or 6 track subway station. I thought it was one by Compudoc but those are two track. Can anyone help?

There is one 4 track subway station and one 4 track 2 level subway station on the DLS. If you are looking for more send me an email I have about 50 different types of subway stations right up to 10 track station, straight and curved.
