Mouse Goes Transparent When Game Starts


Hi Guys
This issue just started today. I got a new wireless optical mouse from Amazon and it works great. When I open the TS12 game, I cannot see the
cursor/pointer any more. I've tried to find mouse drivers for the wireless version and I think that might be the problem.
I'm stumped.....Anybody have an idea if it happened to you ? What do I do to get the pointer back??

The Colonel
Check your mouse driver settings in the control panel and uncheck mouse trails if that option is on.

John, You are my saving grace. Thank-you soooo much for the help. I am trying to get a new mouse configured and sometimes I like
to see the trails, but now - I don't !!! lolol
I made the change in the control panel and now it all works just fine. Next time your train runs down around SC, look me up !!

The Colonel (Ken)