most effecient & simple way to control yard arrivals& departures


Well-known member
I have been route building for about four years now, and am finally getting to the stage where I need to start building schedules. I plan on using quick portal manager v2 and the select path rule for A.I. trains and also for player controlled trains to control complex interlockings. I have been doing research as to what trains, and their symbols are headed in whatever directions on the number of districts/subdivisions ect. on the route (it's Columbus, Ohio btw). I guess my question arises when there are a few trains that terminate & originate at a yard (watkins yard it is called here). I am wondering what everyone's method of making this work may be. As far as I know I would instruct A.I. driver of train A to decouple power and couple to train B (which was cut off at an earlier time) to make the return trip, ect. My concern is that with using quick portal manager, depending on when I started the session, train B may not even be in the yard if I start at a later time than when it is scheduled to emit. The "couple to" method also brings about the problem of what "to" is exactly. On a portal generated train how do I know what the consist will be named and/or the car at the appropriate end of the train to be coupled to. The easiest way I can conceive is to have a "hidden" portal, possible a un-portal track mark somewhere in the yard to generate/consume trains, but am unsure if un-portal works with quick portal manager. Thanks for any insight, suggestions and criticism!
This is the part of Trainz that I personally love. Getting AI to work properly in a busy environment with "unknown" consists. Check out "couple at trackmark". You just need to be careful about leaving consists on the correct side of the trackmark and close enough to the trackmark that the pickup loco can find it and couple.

Quick Portal Manager has been updated recently to work properly with T:ANE, but I'm not sure about it working properly with un-portal. I was still getting script "red bugs" the last time I tried un-portal in T:ANE.

Good luck! Use "wait for trigger" to start actions rather than starting at a specific time.
