I would actually 2nd Konni - with some provisions -.
90% of people that talk about what they would make if they would make buildings tend to cherry pick their favorite Railroads buildings. A large variety of which have already been done (I have no idea about GO or VIA tbh, this is just a general trend I've noticed). But then we get posts like this, and people like myself, avidly hunting far more ubiquitous buildings, such as the afore mentioned Industrial/Commercial Buildings.... I once posited that if every Trainz User was shown how to build one Building and upload it to the DLS, and each had to be unique, we would have a building to fit any situation, any location, and any context, for every purpose. It would likely be a lot of Stand-ins, but still.
As another example, one content creator once lamented that, for every 1 request he got for each requestees favorite rare/exotic locomotive, there were probably 25 far more common types/classes of Locomotives that were being forgotten.
I could start posting screenshots and really wax philosophic here, but long story short (Too late), its the "General" stuff we're lacking the most. Trains are awesome, but without the Business' they served, they would have had no purpose and never been built.....
The other provision of course, is that you are of course free to build whatever you want. Disregard what I just said if you care to, but its the way it is. Build one outstanding <Insert Favorite Railroad Here> Building, and every other fan of that railroad will love you. Build one Outstanding General Store/Business Building, and every Trainzer will have a use for it and love you.
Thanks for reading if you have,