monorail disney trainz04


New member

i downloaded all 117 files for the monorail and extracted them into trainz, but nothing happened!

i got no monorail routes or trains or any building like contemporary resort hotel.

what else have i to do to make the monorail running?
in dont know what to do for creating and driving any monorail on trainz 2004,.

please help me, thx


i downloaded all 117 files for the monorail and extracted them into trainz, but nothing happened!

i got no monorail routes or trains or any building like contemporary resort hotel.

what else have i to do to make the monorail running?
in dont know what to do for creating and driving any monorail on trainz 2004,.

please help me, thx


Hi Marcus,

In Trainz, you then need to go into the route in Surveyor, place a consist and save. You then go into Driver, and your saved, driveable route will appear under the available session and then you can drive the train.

It sounds confusing, but it's harder to explain then to do.

thank you i know what you mean.

but im going crazy. because there is no monorail in the editor where i can create trains.

on the monorail demo route are no trains, the track at the switch are invisible or dont move like real monorail beam, there are no signals, and some tracks left. the contemporary resort hotel is not there.

thats i dont understand, because i downloaded all 117 kuid31293-files you need for the demo and running monorail. i got the dl of the trainz=luv=site too.

i read the readme and FAQ, but i dont know what to do.
i only bought trainz2004 for the monorail. because the monorail in wdw is so impressive and wonderfull.

so i downloads were automaticly extracted to this folder: trainz2004/world/dispatcher/Download/kuid....

so what else should i do for getting the signals, the trains, a correct route with no failures?

i am soo sad about it.
please can anyone help me or give me some advice?

i don´t want to throw trainz04 into the garbage-can

best regrats, cheers,

thank you i know what you mean.

but im going crazy. because there is no monorail in the editor where i can create trains.

on the monorail demo route are no trains, the track at the switch are invisible or dont move like real monorail beam, there are no signals, and some tracks left. the contemporary resort hotel is not there.

thats i dont understand, because i downloaded all 117 kuid31293-files you need for the demo and running monorail. i got the dl of the trainz=luv=site too.

i read the readme and FAQ, but i dont know what to do.
i only bought trainz2004 for the monorail. because the monorail in wdw is so impressive and wonderfull.

so i downloads were automaticly extracted to this folder: trainz2004/world/dispatcher/Download/kuid....

so what else should i do for getting the signals, the trains, a correct route with no failures?

i am soo sad about it.
please can anyone help me or give me some advice?

i don´t want to throw trainz04 into the garbage-can

best regrats, cheers,


This sounds like there maybe some more missing items or broken configuration files that preventing Trainz from loading the monorail-track and other objects.

Since you are using TRS2004. I recommend that you download and run Terry Franks' Trainz Objectz. This really helpful utility will not only help you organize your content, repair and edit objects within the program, and also check the DLS (Download Station) for the dependencies.

Here's the link to Terry's site for his program.

The monorail route, I believe is also available on the DLS, and I recommend that you check there for the missing items.

If you're in 04, try deleting your /cache/world_cache_dispatcher.chump file
Then start Trainz. It will rebuild the file and then they may appear.
I also have a problem, I didn't get any building or routes. But I was realived to see the monorail cars. The cab cars don't work but the regular cars do work. I have been seeming to have trouble with stuff off the DLS recently so is there anywhere else I can get the set at?
OMG i didnt know that you need a service pack. so now everything works.


do you know where i can find the juction controller rule?

cheers MAC
MK VI cab/cars

Hi all-

I'm not having as many problems- I can get everything working, contemp hotel, beams, etc from Monorail Demo 2 EXCEPT for the trains. I can see the cabs and cars in TOE, but they do not show up in TRAINZ. I see the little bitmap in the surveyor train selector, but no preview and I can't put them on a track. I'm able to run the demo using a TGV (or any other train) and can build new layouts with beams, etc.

Any ideas? My 3.5 year old is losing patience!

Tim (daddy)
Okay, we have several things going on here.

First of all, you do need service pack 2 (I think it is), which added passenger train options to TRS2004. Without that, I have no idea what all will happen.

As mentioned in this thread, it does help to delete the cache file (/cache/world_cache_dispatcher.chump) when you add new components.

There is a thread in the TRS2006 forum named Monorail Information that includes the link to the site where you can download the Release Notes, which can be useful in tracking KUID numbers. If you have read the FAQ, than you probably already have the notes, which is a good thing.

I believe there are 119 items on the DLS, so you may still be missing a couple of things. If it is something that objects (for example the train vehicles) are dependent on, those objects generally will not show up, or will display unpredictable side effects. All the KUID numbers are listed in the Release Notes, so you should be able to check the numbers you have against the master list in the notes.

The junction controller rule is available on the DLS.

I have uplaoded a number of improvemnts (bug fixes, texture improvements etc.) to the DLS, and that is the only place where all the current content is available. Sorry if you're having trouble using it, but that's really the only place to get it.

I hope this helps straighten a few things out, and I'll try to monitor this thread a bit closer for awhile.:)

In the meantime, I can no longer download directly into TRS2004 because the TRS2006 components grab the session and install everything into 06. If someone could post a message in the Monorail Information thread in the TRS2006 forum and write up the steps for downloading for TRS2004, I would appreciate it.
