Module Challenge


New member
Note: This is a Challenge just for the fun of it there is NO PRIZE.

This is just somthing I thought of because I have been building a real HO module for the YMRR.
1. The modules are to be made to UM (U-make standards)
The line closest to 360M from the side of the board is where the track needs to be to connect to the next modules (Only at the end of the layout, you can make curves all you want in the layout
The track that is to be used is called "1 track wood Damp" , you can change the kind of track you use in the module but the ends HAVE to be this kind of tracks to match other modules
2. The maximum Number of baseboards (with track) is 8
3. You can enter up to 3 modules
4. The offical UM rules state what textures to used but I've seen modules that have mixed up textures (You can just blend textures together)
5. Module can be any Era/Country/Etc
6. This must be a new module not one already made
7. Have fun!

My entry
Name: UM N-S Graintown
Discription: A heavly industrialised Town, mainly serving the grain industry.
Should have some more info up soon

P.S. if theres an intrest I'll make a screenshots thread for construction photos

Judging is March 1st
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The UM guidelines says a height level of 0 you can have grades but the track must be at Zero when it gets to the end
Almost certainly. Some have probably already started construction. Others are considering what they might make.
If anyone is planning to join, feel free to chime in.
By the way, is there a restriction on Trainz version?

:cool: Claude
I'll be in it.
It will be uploaded to the TPR Depot. Just thinking of what I can do.

One question: 360 meters away from (blank)? What edge of the board?
This rule is very unclear.

Can it be 8 long...but what about width with boards and track?

TCS Route Builder
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titaniclover, and SuperFudd

Search on the DLS for U-make and UM, the modules (except for LegoDragons N-S passing track which is not at 360M) should be self explaining
Oh...I have many those.:D

I see what you are doing now! I'll get to work on my yard right away.;)

TCS Route Builder
I'll be in it.
It will be uploaded to the TPR Depot. Just thinking of what I can do.

One question: 360 meters away from (blank)? What edge of the board?
This rule is very unclear.

Can it be 8 long...but what about width with boards and track?

TCS Route Builder

The baseboards are 720 meters, so the track has to reach the edge of the baseboard at the center of the edge.
As I understand it, the layout can have any number of baseboards from 1 to 8, in any configuration, but no more than 8 boards total.
Is that about right?
Mine has 6 boards, but I probably won't finish in time. We'll see.

:cool: Claude
I did a search for U-make and got nothing, or more exactly every thing, perhaps every string active today but no mention of U-make.:confused:
Perhaps I will try Dogpile.
Dogpile came up with:

It apears to be a standard for Trainz modules similar to modular standards for N Scale. It looks like it is for TRS2004. How about TRS2006? TC does not apear to be apropriate.

I will consider it, if I can use TRS2006 SP1.
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One thing you will have to watch if you are planning to join all these modules is textures.I use 06 & only make modules & have found they become corrupt if the texture limit is passed.I have about 17 modules on the DLS & if I try to join them after about say 7 they loose texture due to the limit being passed .250 may seem allot but not hard to pass if everyone uses different textures.

I try to stick to the standard built in textures as much as possible. It saves trouble later on.
Mostly British, Australian and US.

:cool: Claude
Well, I finished building the terrain, laying the track and most of the texturing on my contribution.
How is everyone else coming along?

:cool: Claude