Modula City Skyscrapers


New member
In Surveyor when placing objects does anyone know where I can find the skyscrapers used in the Modula City?
I believe that content is probably locked and inaccessible since the built in modula is a demo of a payware product. Anyone else can correct me on that though if I am wrong.
I believe that content is probably locked and inaccessible since the built in modula is a demo of a payware product. Anyone else can correct me on that though if I am wrong.

100% correct.

I don't even know if the content is accesable if you do purchase Modula.
I think it is, someone can confirm.
Good morning,

if you purchase ModulaCity (i did), all objects become available. It is worth of buying!

The full version of MC is also available in Trailz Classics.:)
It is too hard to byu Modula City v2 (for TRS2006) in Russia. :(
I had Modula City for TRS04, and imported all of the assets from that when I installed '06. Now I can only place the items that are not built into '06.

There is, however a workaround (it's just not very flexible)... :cool:

Should I say more? :o
