Mods? Can i have a small favor?

Mods, i have made a word document that explains some basic screenshort posting stuff for the fpums, and i think that new members or older ones who don't know how to post screens may find it usefull, but when i tried to post it as an attachment to a thread i wasn;t allowed. Is there a way to do this? If not can one of the mods post it for me? (it's in word format for the pics.)
There is already a tutorial on posting images using image shack stickied in the screenshot forum. If your tutorial is different enough from that to warrant posting it and you think it should be made a sticky then you should probably contact helpdesk with the info and request. Typically we let the auran guys give the green light on something before it is made a sticky and helpdesk is the direct line to them in that regard.
Just as an add on to what was said before you can always copy/paste text out of word and paste it in a post as long as it complies with the Auran Trainz Code of Conduct.

