Modern UK Station buildings???


Hi, I was thinking of creating a modern UK layout but can't find any suitable station buildings. I am aware of (and admire) Tafwebs and those from UK Branchlines. Would appreciate any other suggestions.
Many stations still have their steam-era buildings. Many of the stations between Carlisle and Leeds for example still have either the originals or replica buildings.

I was interested to see that the booking office at Keighley was reopened last time I was there, along with the waiting rooms and (suprisingly) the parcels office. I don't think I've seen them open before then.

Look at the beautiful Calidonian Railway building at Carlisle:
James73 has done some good small modern station buildings, both in bridge and standard versions. There are also quite a few modern foreign stations that would look good on UK routes.

Thanks for the reply guys. Am delighted with the stations by James73 and as a bonus have found some nice foot bridges. Thanks again.