Modern Amtrak Station


Moderator - Read the CoC!
Thought I would give you some in-game shots, I got to finalize the textures a bit more before v1 goes up. This building is loosely based off from the Ann Arbor, MI Amtrak Station.

Version 1 is a static building. In due time I hope to release an passenger enabled version.

The Chicago-bound Wolveriene waiting for passengers to load. Don't take pictures from this location at home folks ;)

Same train but from the overhead road bridge

One of my favorite scenes at the Ann Arbor, MI train station.

Two shots of the Wolveriene pulling in from the same spot.


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I should probably mention that this is my first non-reskin to get into TRS..... i just noticed when flipping thru my sceeenshots (not all of them are uploaded) that i forgot to texture part of the canopy roof, and im gonna look into getting the windows textured a bit better, maybe even some stuff inside; depending on the polly count, but so far the polys can't be too bad (unlike the sears tower Im working on, oops did I say that? :))

did i hear something about the sears tower??.....;)
good job we definatly need Amtrak content.
you first non reskin!!!!!! goood job! :)
well not everything is perfect so relax take your time we can wait.
still working on the Sears tower?

this site might be of help?

if it helps perhaps also do the others
AON center, John Hancock center, CNA Plaza

been learning GMAX today, long ways to go before I get the hang of it.
Here was a quick go at the CNA plaza, very dirty lol
