MK III doors


New member
After reading the HST thread I downloaded some MK III coches from skodatrainz site, they are quite nice but when they go to a station the doors open but will not close again ? I've tried doing different things, ie stations, load, unload, nothing, wait etc etc but they remain firmly open ??? very strange, has anyone got any ideas ?
I run TRS2006
It is strange because there are no doors to open on the Skodatrainz mk3's :confused: The only equipment that has an opening door is the HST powercar which has a panel that lifts up at the front to allow the emergency coupler to be used :)
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Oh my mistake then, there not his, I normally have a USA layout and this is first one in UK style I've used, however I still have somebody's MK III s which the doors will not close, any ideas ?? appologies to skodatrainz.
It may be the mkIII's from VSR, I have had the same problem, although they are public beta's, so the problem shoud be ironed out!!
Thanks, strange though if its a known problem why does VSR not sort it out ?? why have coaches that will not work ?
Oh ok thanks, no I did not realise this, so who's testing them ? us ? sorry I'm fairly new and don't know what " betas " mean. Does this mean they will be updated and made to work properly ?
so who's testing them ? us ?
Yes, hence "public beta".

Does this mean they will be updated and made to work properly ?
There wouldn't be much point testing them if they weren't going to be updated, however testing relies on people reporting bugs to the creator and this isn't one I've come across before.

If the doors are a problem then why not just use the Mk3 trailers that come with the power cars? Not only will this look better but it would be more prototypical, as the VSR Mk3s you're using are loco-hauled stock and not the Mk3s found in HST sets.

Until this thread I did not know what beta mean't, jargon is only good for people who know what it means.
Not sure it is jargon as such, its the official and proper term for this (beta testing) and the easy succint way to put it.

Ah thats it then other than trainz i've never played a computer game nor had the desire too, so to me that is jargon i'm afraid.