Missing splines - white tracks


Get over it
Yes. I know the white tracks are missing splines BUT I downloaded the missing splines, committed and they still don't show. There are a lot of this particular spline on the "Port Tillamook RR" and I dread the thought of having to do each one. My question: If I do a Rebuild Database will that make the missing splines reappear? Nothing is faulty or missing dependencies. I'm running TANE. Thanks.
I know where you are coming from on this. There is a fix though. Unlike missing assets the white track ARE tracks so downloading the right ones will not replace them. What you have to have is an asset "missing track" so that you can use the "replace" option in trainz. Asset to replace being "missing track" and to replace with being any track of your choice.

This revolves around the kuid:523:1124 that is now obsolete. This asset is what you will have on the route and is default for ANY missing spline including bushes and grass for example. John Citron came up with the fix so credit to him.

The fix is to clone the asset kuid:523:1124 and make it your own. Give it a name such as "missing track" or whatever. Something you can find when you need it anyway. Change the config and add the prefix 2 and suffix 1 to the kuid and save it. When you search track in surveyor you will see your "missing track" and just do the "replace" as I pointed out above.

The new kuid should look like this:-

kind "track"
istrack 1
username "Missing Spline fix"
trainz-build 3.7
category-class "WX"

mesh "track_lod0.im"

mesh-length 8

lod-distance 400


mesh "track-lod0"
kuid <kuid2:523:1124:1>



Think I have got it right. Been a while since we did it.

Thanks for replying Doug. We seem to be missing something here. When I clone the 'Missing Track' (523:1124) it assigns it my user number so that 523:1124 no longer appears. I tried various ways to get it to work but I keep getting at least 5 error messages after I try changing the config file. You said to change the prefix to a 2 and the suffix to a 1 but it's my user number, not 523:1124. Any suggestions or am I doing something wrong?
Desperately trying to remember how we did this. I thought about it after my last post that I had missed something would or could not remember what. Try changing your own user number to 2:523:1124:1. Notice in the kuid I posted that it does not show MY kuid in the clone. That might be it!?! adding the 2-1 to the old kuid makes it a working new asset. Try that..

I know mine works so if you cannot get it working then PM me with an email address and I will send you a CDP to import okay?


Just checked mine in CM and it shows "Author Username" as "Auran" so I think my reply is correct (?) -- You MIGHT need to do a Rebuild DB but see how it goes.
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The original kuid number is not shown in the new kuid. The original kuid number shows as "obsolete" in CM.
Doug, I hate to be a pain in the rear but it's still not working. What I did was put the 'missing spline fix' in the asset to update and the JVC spline in the other slot. What I get is this message: "one or more items in the target list do not match the item type to replace with". If I place a track in the second slot instead of a JVC spline it replaces the missing spline with the track so I think it's working. The 'missing spline fix' is in the tracks section so I'm thinking that it will replace missing tracks but not other missing splines such as the ones that JVC has made. Right or wrong?
The cloned asset is type track so is a track spline not a scenery spline. Try and remove istrack 1 or change to istrack 0.
Stagecoach, thanks for the heads up. I changed the istrack from 1 to 0 and that worked. The 'missing spline fix' is now found under the scenery spline section. Thank you to all who have replied.
When TANE discovers a missing track, or asset, it has to know the kuid that it failed to find. It should not be too difficult to tell the customer which kuid it could not find.
Hi - I am back on line again after a visit to Odessa and on to Saint Petersburg (and a good sleep). Glad that you got it working and I did say it had been a long time since I had seen sight of it. Be careful with what you have done though with regard to track and scenery. I remember John and I had a few teething troubles with it at first and there is no guarantee what it will replace. An example can be that your mainline track is white-lined and some of your siding track (maybe rusty) is ditto. It can replace the lot and you will have to change the siding track by hand. A small price to pay for a general fix. You might want to clone two versions for yourself, one as track and one as scenery. They can be something like "missing track" using istrack =1 and "missing green stuff" as istrack =0. Just a thought.

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I am having the same issue, but have been unable to follow the solution described. I have the Missing Spline but it shows as Base and will not accept any editing, I can clone it, but that's were I get lost. Can someone sum up the steps? thanks
Hi, the method I just used successfully is to install the missing items, open route for edit, then revert to original. That gets rid of the white lines once the correct assets are installed.
There is no missing item I can identify, no faulty items or missing dependency, it just shows as a missing spline on track properties. I cannot identify what item is missing.

Any help there? Thanks
Delete the route with the missing spline problem and download and install again or if you have an original saved file, install it again. BEFORE opening it in the game, go to content manager and check what is now the unknown dependencies. That should be your missing spline as deleting the route will only delete the route file and not its dependencies. Then you need to track down that missing asset. On the route you currently have installed the Missing Spline asset will have replaced the asset which is unknown and will not show as missing in content manager.
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Delete the Route...yeah, uh no. It's not a great deal of track and it's yard and industrial areas. I will just redo it. Thanks anyway. By the way, I had already fixed a great deal of the route by identifying and loading missing items, and dependencies. These remaining ones is something else because they were all the same track, most recovered these sections did not..gonna cut my losses and redo those sections. Thank you.
Stewart, I didn't know it was a route you had made yourself. That works for downloaded routes which have not been modified by you, but of course not on your own ones.