What is going on with our our fellow TRAINZER'S? I just downloaded an item of interest that I wanted to add to my collections. It was just posted today 6-16-08 on the DOWNLOAD STATION. I downloaded it via my DOWNLOAD PRO. I then went and used the TRAINZ CONTENT MANAGER PRO that is with TRAINZ 2006. When I ran it to see if all items were there it came back with some missing. I looked at it with the missing dependents program and found that 12 items were missing. I copied the numbers down and went back to the DOWNLOADER PRO and searched for them on the DOWNLOAD STATION. Every one came back as item not found. How do I get these items? I have emailed, in the past, the person who posted the item only to get no resopnse. Any Idea as to how to get the missing items? I have a sugestion, how about before the items are posted on the DOWNLOAD STATION, they are throughly checked for missing content and that these items be added by the people who check them or the item be returned to the maker for correction.Here is the list of KUID's that are missing from a Model by CIncysouthern Ry group

KUID 39730:60000/60002/60003
KUID 43955:54005:confused:
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I expect the creator has used assets from sites other than the DS and that's why you can't find them there.
I try not to but have also slipped up in the past with some trees and of course the whole set of HOG files that colour a DEM, but they are unavoidable.
In the main I try to keep to items freely available and easily accessible from one place.
Put the name of the route up and maybe somebody can shed some light on your problem with missing assets.

Hi yes please reply with the kuid numbers of the items you cant find I am sure someone will know where they can be found
Hi yes please reply with the kuid numbers of the items you cant find I am sure someone will know where they can be found

I believe the KUID he was looking for were listed on the original post. I do have to agree with switchmaster however, it is somewhat frustrating to download items from the DLS only to find out they are missing dependancies that are not available, and it then becomes an investigation to try to locate them, one at a time. I have given up downloading anything anymore, mainly because of that. So I can understand his frustrations...

With signalmaster all the way. Just downloaded about 13 dash 9's and can't get a cab veiw because it is missing 2 KUIDS. Also i can't get my sd70ACe up because there are 2 unknown files. Check my post about them in case you happen to know what they are.


What is going on with our our fellow TRAINZER'S? I just downloaded an item of interest that I wanted to add to my collections. It was just posted today 6-16-08 on the DOWNLOAD STATION. I downloaded it via my DOWNLOAD PRO. I then went and used the TRAINZ CONTENT MANAGER PRO that is with TRAINZ 2006. When I ran it to see if all items were there it came back with some missing.
KUID 39730:60000/60002/60003
KUID 43955:54005:confused:


Be patient and give us the full Kuid numbers that you are missing, then we will be able to help you.


It might also be of interest that not all the missing kuids are infact missing. Ive often found that kuids are listed in the config and trainz will look for them only to find a newer version. Trainz only downloads the newest version of an asset so if the config states kuid2:*****:*****:1 and the newest version is kuid2:*****:*****:3 it will appear as a missing kuid. It is also known that a creator has replaced an asset but failed to remove the old one from the config.