MIN / Container load & unload


New member
I'm currently designing a large Container Port. While getting objects ready, I thought of few questions.

MIN question:

What I want to do is create a LONG MIN . . . so I can load & unload 10 to 20 well cars at once. Each track in the "Load / Unload" area is going to be able to handle 10 to 20 articulated well cars (2 to 4 "ABBBC" sets).

1. The over all length of the MIN - Is this a property set in the "mesh" of the MIN ? OR Is there an easier way to change the length?

2. Has anyone been able to get the MIN to load these well cars as "double stacks" ? These are articulated set of 3 ("A-B-C") by SP_OR_BUST.

I tried joining 2 standard MIN with a very short track piece but the center car of a 5 car econo stack does not get loaded because its right at the "joint"

Container Port scenery objects :

1. Does anyone know if there is a "straddle container movers" ? These would look similar to the "straddle crane" but smaller. They pick up the containers just a few inches off the ground & takes them to be stored or loaded onto trucks or train by crane or lifts.

By the way . . . the "10stack of 40ft containers" on DLS is the wrong height. I'll have to stack my own group . . . and send these away from the tracks as distant fillers.

Thanks in advance for any information
Try using the PL loaders instead. All you have to do is "park" over one of them and the whole train will load according to the parameters set.

Many of the PL assets were built-in to TRS2006 (and the NSW goods sheds were also set up in the PL format).

If you're still using '04, go to the TPR Download site:
and check under the LARS category.

There's a ProtoLARS Mega Pack that has just about everything you'll need.

I generally tend to use the PLs for industries instead of the MINs as loading one car at a time is more common (unless a huge workforce is available) but you can adjust the loading and production/consumption times, the amount to load per time unit and what it does with the input/output. The PLs generally aren't as prototypical if you want to represent flood loading for coal or other bulk dry products.

PL sounds good. I downloaded the "Inter-modal" version.

Does the cars have to be set up for "Proto LARS"?
Will any car set up for MIN work with PL?

I'll experiment.

PL Intermodal script error ??!!


I'm having trouble with "PL Intermodal".

When I bring it in, I get the "Nonfatal Script Error" :

The option is to "continue" or "abort". I clicked on continue and inserted it in to the track. Tried it in "driver mode" . . . nothing happens.

I did set them up to load on two of the tracks and unload on the other two tracks in my container port.

Any idea why I'm getting this error?
hmmmm seems like your missing some products with that?
But anyways theyre are other pl s also
the cdk intermodal version and industrial rail 1a is set up also for all the containers....
I would check your cmp for errors on these or missing products and also check if any edits are non commited........

Dave =)
Dave, you're probably correct there.

I'd suggest looking at the config.txt file for that PL Intermodal, and making sure all the products listed there are on your computer.

To look at the config.txt with TRS2006, open CMP, find PL Intermodal, right click and select "Open in Explorer". The folder containing PL Intermodal should open. Double click on config.txt to open it.

If you are using TRS2004, use TrainzObjectz to find PL Intermodal, and use one of the radio buttons in the top left of the screen.


Edit --

If you are thinking about sharing your creation on the Download Station, it's generally a good idea to use dependencies that don't require others to search to the far corners of the Universe for dependencies not on the Download Station. My "LARS IndustRail" is on the DLS and will load most types of containers and tank containers, and then some. Look for kuid [FONT=Verdana, Arial]69871:10002.[/FONT]
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Phil & Dave,

Thanks, you were right . . . I was missing a couple of products. One was the "53ft_trailer", which strangely is not on the DlS, and the other one came up as "unknown". So I went into the config.txt and removed the missing and the unknown kuid from the "allowable" list and changed the product count from "12" to "10". That did the trick. PL Intermodal now works fine . . . and no error message.

At the moment I'm not too worried about sharing cause my route is so large and complex that my Core 2 Duo with 9600GT gives me only 18 fps average and down to 12 or 13 in my container port (Maria's Pass route runs at 25 to 45 fps in comparison) . This is less than acceptable performance for most people. Maybe in a couple of years when I'm finished with my route, the computer and graphics card might be up to par to run my route at an acceptable fps. Maybe TRS2010 might recognize up to 8GB of RAM instead of just 2GB . . . that would be nice.

By the way, I like it that the well cars are loaded randomly stack-wise too. Some cars are double stacked and some are not. When I loaded 60 cars, about half were doubles and not a single repeat of top & bottom combinations . . . pretty cool.
